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EXL Reflection

The following essay describes my experience undergoing the EXL program. Personal reflection and reasons for beliefs concerning the program are included.



            The Experiential Learning Scholar’s Program, EXL-4000, has provided me with the opportunity to reflect on the last five years of my nursing education. I was able to review the material that I learned from my didactic courses and the clinical courses that corresponded, as well as understand the importance behind the assignments that I was required to complete. This program helped me realize what my nursing instructors have been trying to tell me all throughout my nursing career, that it is all connected!
            By participating in this program, I got to look back at some of the old assignments that I completed and compare them with my more recently completed assignments. It was amazing to me to see how much I have grown. I was also able to evaluate the work that I have completed from a different prospective; I was able to look at the information as a leader. I no longer see myself as a student, rather I see myself as a professional nurse.
            This program also made me think a lot about my future. I now realize that I am fixing to have my own license and I am going to be solely responsible for all of the patients that I provide care to. I will no longer have an instructor by my side telling me what is right or wrong, or how to correctly perform a procedure, or to even offer me words of encouragement. I will be on my own. To be honest, this is a scary thought, but at the same time, I am reassured to know that I am competent enough to do this on my own. This program helped me realize that I have the confidence to practice as a professional RN, and that I am no longer in need of being under the supervision of an instructor.
            I definitely think that students from all majors throughout the university could benefit from the experience of participating in this program. They will be able to look at how they have grown throughout their college career and realize that they have more self-confidence than they ever could have imagined. It could also give them more insight into their desired career paths and into the education that they have received. It has definitely done this for me.