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Shari's ePortfolio


As a Dental Hygiene Student I will continue with my education and keep a record of all that I have accomplished.  As a dental hygiene student my first priority will be to provide preventive care. This can simply be done by teaching my patient good oral hygiene instructions. I can teach my patient how to properly floss or use the Bass technique. I will explain that it is  important to brush and floss in the morning as it is at night. I will explain how bacteria will accumulate on the teeth every 12-24 hours. The importance of removing plaque is important so it will not break down and soften the enamel on the teeth. After I do a periodontal assessment I can teach my patient about pocket dept and how the process can be slowed down or reversed to help the healing process. I can do this by explaining periodontal disease. By teaching my patient how to and why it is important. My goal will be to help my patient understand the importance of good oral hygiene, so my patient will make more of an effort to care for the gums and teeth when at home. Sometimes a medical emergency situation may arise while in clinic. As a dental hygiene student I am able to provide basic life support if needed and call for assistance to ensure the safety of my patient. I will also take preventive measures to prevent a medical emergency from happening. For example, if my patient has asthma I will have patient put the inhaler on counter while receiving treatment. Depending on the asthma and the degree of attack I may have my patient use the inhaler before starting a treatment. Before starting a treatment I will always review Medical history, check their vital signs and give and intra and extra oral exam. As a dental hygiene student, I will always apply professionalism. I will provide a process of care that will be ethical and legal, with care. I will provide the same care to every patient that will sit in my chair. For example, all individuals will receive a professional standard of care no matter their background or health status. I will continue with my education and stay on top of the latest scientific literature. I will use the current technology to better myself for professional growth to be able to give proper patient care. I will stay involved in my community by going to educational programs when available. I will always give my patient individualized care based on their needs. I will teach the patient the values of oral health, and their general health. One way I can do this is by identifying their risk factors to keep them safe at all times. Also, I will give nutrition instructions to help prevent decay. I will explain how the sugars in food will feed the bacteria which will produce acids on their teeth that can cause decay by the breakdown of enamel on their teeth.
