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Electronic Portfolio for William B. Doyle

Strayer University

Advance Certifications and Post BA Work
            Since receiving my BA in secondary education at SUNY New Paltz I have participated in several training programs to assist me as an educator with the goal and result of helping my students better learn. I am completing my Masters degree in education technology at Strayer University. I have participated in several non-credit seminars, and in addition to my role as a student I have given a presentation on at risk students to the faculty and administration of our district.
            The MA program that I am enrolled in at Strayer University is focused on education technology. It has been a thorough program that has included business, technology, and education classes. One class, the class for which I am completing this e-portfolio, EDU 542 has used the information learned in the preceding classes and has combined technology with teaching. The text for the class, Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching offers an accurate depiction of the course. We have learned to use technology to bring the world to our students, to incorporate web-quests, web-pages and a plethora of other tools to assist students to learn.
            The non-credit seminars focused on working with students at risk. “Capturing Kids Hearts” is a program that stresses building relationships through the use of social contracts. This proactive method of dealing with students is designed to prevent behavioral disruptions by creating an atmosphere where the students feel comfortable, welcome, and an important part to the class decisions.
            “Therapeutic Crisis Intervention” (TCI) is a program for working with students with behavioral issues. It is used in both the residence setting as well as the classroom. Like “Capturing Kids Hearts” it focuses on building relationships. It goes further than “Capturing Kids Hearts” in that it also includes de-escalation of agitated students and training in using physical restraint if necessary. TCI is not as proactive as “Capturing Kids Hearts” in that it does not include the student in designing the government of the class, but it does provide a comprehensive reentry procedure. This procedure involves a meeting between the student and the staff member(s) who were involved in the altercation.     In this sense it is proactive in helping to prevent further clashes.
            In my presentation on disadvantaged youth I proposed the reasons why some students do not perform as well. These causes included, but were not limited to: poverty, family structure, family history and parental education. This was an interactive seminar in which educators shared their views and experiences. As mediator I designed and presented the format of the meeting. 