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The E-Portfolio of Lynsey Williams       

Learning Technologies

    Here is an example of a Kahootz document that I created while at La Trobe University.

Kahootz: Mr. Roboto

This is an example of a mathematics/learning technologies activity that students can do using M&M's (or other candy/counters) and Microsoft Excel.

Excel: M&M's

Below is a digital movie that I created on the D.Film website. Students can use this website to create many different movies and stories.

D.Film: It's Christmas Time!

Here is a site that is a fantastic resource for learning about how to intergrate technology into the curriculum.

Technology Integration in the Primary Grades

Below you can find a WebQuest, in sections, on refugees that I created with my colleague Jason Gamarra. It was trialled and enjoyed at Caulfield Primary School with grades 3,4,5 and 6.

WebQuest: Refugees Home

WebQuest: Refugees Introduction

WebQuest: Refugees Process

Webquest: Task

WebQuest: Conclusion

WebQuest: Evaluation

WebQuest: Resources

WebQuest: Teacher's Resources

You can view some of my digital photography by clicking here.
