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Holly S. Matthews Portfolio


Grant Proposal

Grant Proposal for Opening Night
Chestnut Brass Company
KU Music Library
Summary of Proposal
Kutztown University is proud to announce the establishment of the Kutztown University Music Library.  Made specifically to support the needs of music students and faculty, the Music Library will be the first of its kind in Berks County.  In order to introduce the library to the public, the Music Department and Rohrbach Library, in cooperation with the Performing Arts Series on campus, would like to host the Chestnut Brass Company.  This concert will be a part of the subscription series of performing artists contracted by the university. 
The Chestnut Brass Company will hold two master classes for music students during the afternoon; one for all music majors, minors and faculty and one for the jazz ensembles.  In the evening, the CBC will perform in a concert open to the public.  Prior to the concert, there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony to open the new Music Library as well as a Meet-the Artists reception.
By linking this event to the Performing Artists Series at Kutztown University, the greatest number of the population will be reached.  Advertisements go out to local businesses, organizations and associations as well as the Performing Artists mailing list.  KU students and alumni also receive the Performing Artists Series literature.
Partnership with Pennsylvania Performing Artists on Tour (PennPAT)
The following is the program goal for PennPAT:
"The purpose of Pennsylvania Performing Arts on Tour (PennPAT) is to increase opportunities for professional Pennsylvania performing artists to obtain successful touring engagements."  (
Concerts in the Performing Artists Series at Kutztown University have been highly attended.  Because this concert will coincide with the opening of the new Music Library, alumni, faculty and students will be encouraged to attend as well as the public.  Kutztown University has adequate facilities to host touring musical groups and a strong community backing of its performance series.

Needs Assessment
Kutztown University is opening the newly formed Music Library.  This library is collaboration between the Music Department and Rohrbach Library.  It will provide materials and services designed specifically to enhance the education of music majors, minors, concomitants and faculty.  In order to announce the grand opening, the University would like to have an evening of music.  The Chestnut Brass Company will be commissioned to perform in a concert open to all KU students, faculty and the public.  In addition, the Chestnut Brass Company will present two master classes for KU music students in the afternoon before the concert.
The newly established Kutztown University Music Library is in need of public awareness.  A grand opening kick-off celebration will provide the necessary exposure.  The "Grammy Award-winning (Best Classical Crossover CD, 2000) Chestnut Brass Company is the only brass quintet in the world that regularly performs on both modern and historical instruments, offering a form of musical time-travel ranging from the early Renaissance to the frontiers of modern music"  (  By partnering with Kutztown's Performing Artists Series, the concert will receive the necessary public attention due to the subscription series and mailing lists.  This jazz group fully reflects the forward moving progress of Kutztown University and the Music Library with its blend of modern and historical instruments and repertoire.  

Program Goals and Objectives
Invite a musical group to perform at the opening Kutztown University's new Music Library.
         Objective 1: Apply for a grant to assist with performance fees for Chestnut
         Brass Company, a Pennsylvania Performing Artists on Tour group.  Group
         will be asked to give 2 master classes and 1 concert performance.
         Objective 2: Schedule Schaefer Auditorium or Georgian Room for concert.
Advertise for concert through the Performing Artists Series at Kutztown University. 
Objective 1: 1 year in advance, book artists with the Performing Artists Series.
Objective 2: Include Chestnut Brass Company in the P.A.S. advertising and mailing list.  Contact performer for press release.
Chestnut Brass Company will perform 2 master classes for the music majors and performance students.
Objective 1: Music Department will invite all the music students to a master class given by the Chestnut Brass Company.  This class will be a lecture-type class.
Objective 2: Music Department and ensemble conductors will invite the Chestnut Brass Company to give a master class to the various ensemble performers as a group.  Students will be invited to bring instruments for a performing master class.
Chestnut Brass Company will perform at a concert on the evening of the opening of the Kutztown University Music Library.
Objective 1: Coordinate with Chestnut Brass Company to set up stage and equipment for concert.
Objective 2: Coordinate with sound technician for pre-concert sound check.
Objective 3: Concert begins after ribbon-cutting ceremony to open the Kutztown University Music Library.
Evaluate response to concert and master classes.
Objective 1: Hand out evaluation questionnaire to music students in class.  Collect and evaluate responses.
Objective 2: Hand out separate evaluation questionnaire to faculty.  Collect and evaluate.

Project Outline
18 months before event: 
-Contact artists to schedule performance.  (Action: Music Librarian)
-Coordinate with the Performing Artists Series to schedule concert. (Action: Music Librarian and Ellen Finks, Performing Artists Series Coordinator)
-Schedule concert with the appropriate venue (Schaefer Auditorium or Georgian Room).  (Action: Music Librarian, Music Department secretary, University Room Scheduler)
12 months before event:
-Verify date with artists.  (Action: Music Librarian)
-Assist in advertising with the Performing Artists Series.  Contact artists for press release. (Action: Music Librarian, Ellen Finks)
-Inform Music Department of date of concert so that it may be included on the schedule for music students.  (Action: Music Librarian, Music Department secretary, Dr. Willis Rapp, Music Department Chair)
2 months before event:
-Finalize arrangements with artists.  (Action: Music Librarian)
-Advertise master classes to music students.  (Action: Music Department secretary, music faculty)
1 week before event:
-Final contact with artists for directions, etc. (Action: Music Librarian)
Day of event:
Meet Chestnut Brass Company at Kutztown University.  Escort to first master class in the C-wing of Old Main.  Introduce and turn over to artists.  (Action: Music Librarian, Dr. Willis Rapp)
-Take Company to lunch with any interested faculty. (Action: Music Librarian, Dr. Willis Rapp)
-Escort Company to afternoon joint master class with the various ensembles. (Action: Music Librarian)
-5:00pm Escort Company to venue to begin set-up and sound check.  (Action: Music Librarian)
-6:00pm Escort Company to dinner.  (Action: Music Librarian)
-7:00pm Leave Company to prepare for concert.  (Action: Music Librarian)
-8:00pm Concert by Chestnut Brass Company. (Action: Artists, Sound Technician, Dr. Willis Rapp/Music Librarian to give introductions)
After concert
-Meet-the-Artists reception in the Music Library.  (Action: Artists, Music Librarian)
Week after event:
-Hand out evaluations to music students in classes.  Collect for assessment.  (Action: Music faculty, Music Librarian)
-Complete final event evaluation to be sent in to PennPAT.  (Action: Music Librarian)

Project Budget
1. Roster Artist Fee                                                              $15,000
2. Roster Artist Lodging                                                        $    600
3. Roster Artist Transportation                                              $    100
4. Technical Personnel                                                         $        0
5. Other Personnel                                                              $        0
6. Marketing/Publicity                                                          $     250
7. Space Rental                                                                  $         0
8. Equipment Rental                                                            $         0
9. Other Cash Expenses (list)
    Meals for Artists                                                              $     200
10. Total Project Expenses                                                   $ 16,150
11. Ticket Sales (performances)                                         $  4,500
12. Admissions (other activities)                                         $        0
13. Concession Sales                                                        $         0
14. Individual Contributions                                               $  1,500
15. Other Earned Income                                                  $         0
16. Grants (Governments, Foundations,                              $         0
       Business: please list each and indicate
       Either pending or secured)      
17. Applicant cash (accumulated resources, savings,           $ 10,150
      student activity fees, college/university
18. Subtotal Cash Revenues                                              $ 16,150
19. PennPAT Grant Request                                               $   7,850
      (figured by formula)
20. Total Cash Revenue                                                     $  8,300
      (sum of lines 18 & 19)

Kutztown University Music Library
Mission Statement
The mission of the Kutztown University Music Library is to strengthen and support the teaching, learning and research of the musical arts by providing the collections, services and facilities that lead to discovery and creativity.
Vision Statement
The Kutztown University Music Library envisions a future where:
·        Students may come to listen, learn and research the musical arts
·        Faculty  can discover a variety of available tools and information that will assist with the education of their curriculum
·        Musical scores are stored, cataloged and exchanged to best assist the performance faculty and students
·        The general public may come to find the most comprehensive collection of audio, video and print materials available concerning the musical arts
Goal 1: The student population of Kutztown University will have a centralized location containing the music resources necessary to better fulfill their education.
    Objective 1: The library will obtain space to contain all the music holding currently available through the university as well as new acquisitions.
    Action Plan:
- To approve a plan for appropriate facilities on campus to house the currently cataloged music holdings as well as the non-cataloged materials.  A committee comprised of music department faculty, Rohrbach Library staff, administration and student representatives will be formed to investigate and obtain a suitable location.
- Grants will be investigated and obtained to assist with funding for the library.
- Mailings will be sent out to alumni, businesses, arts foundations and organizations and other community leaders to contribute to the library as founding members. 
     Objective 2: The library will provide listening stations available to students and faculty for the use of enhancing their musical education.
     Objective 3: The library will create a website with links to other music collections as well as searching within the library's holdings.
     Objective 4: The library will have software and hardware available to the faculty to assist in classroom teaching as well as projects and assignments.
Goal 2: The library will contain musical scores and print music which will be made available to students and faculty.
     Objective 1: The library will maintain the print music holdings by cataloging and storing them within the facility.
     Objective 2: The library will maintain contact with musical score rental companies to acquire and coordinate the scores needed for the various performing ensembles.
     Objective 3: The library will make excerpts available in digital format accessible through the website.
Goal 3:  The general public will have access to audio, video and print materials for use within the facility. 
     Objective 1: The library will maintain a collection of approximately 23,250 books and journals, 10,000 scores, 35,000 sound recordings, 550 videos and 50 miscellaneous items cataloged within its own database with links to the website and Rohrbach Library.
     Objective 2: The library will maintain a website showing the holdings available to the public along with a digital library of score excerpts.

PennPAT Required Application Materials
1. Information/Summary Page and Project Budget (2 copies)
Complete the information/summary page and project budget page, available online using the link at the end of this page. Be sure to:
·         Answer all questions.
·         Zip +4 is now required. Look up at
·         Do not staple?please use paperclips.
2. Project Outline (2 copies)
This should describe all public performances and other activities that involve the roster artist and are part of this project. You may use the form available using the link below, or you may replicate the grid on your own computer. If you have more than five activities/performances as part of this engagement, please copy the form as needed. Below are descriptions of the requested information.
Activity: Use one row of the grid for each activity. Include public performance(s) and all activities involving the roster artist. Also include any activities that support the public performance and enhance the audience?s understanding of the work that are conducted by experts other than the roster artist. List the type of activity, such as performance, master class, workshop, etc., name of person(s) conducting the activity, and a brief description of the activity?s focus. If this engagement is part of a festival, do not include other performers? activities unless they directly relate to this artist.
Day/Date/Time: Day of the week, date and time for each activity?be specific.
Target Audience: Briefly describe the targeted audience or participants for this activity.
Projected #: Anticipated number of audience members or activity participants.
Admission: List the ticket price or admission fee structure for this event.
Facility: Include name and type of facility, and seating capacity for each event.
3. Narrative (2 copies)
You must submit a narrative that answers the following questions and addresses the evaluation criteria. Please format your narrative as follows:
  • No more than 2-3 typed, single-sided, 8.5? x 11? pages.
  • Use 10 point or larger type.
  • Retype each question number and heading in bold, followed by the corresponding answer.
  • Include a header on each page with your organization?s name and the artist requested.
  • Do not staple?please use paperclips.
    1. Mission and Goals
      What is your organization?s mission? What are your goal(s) for this project and why did you select this particular artist/group? Explain how this project will address your goal(s). Briefly describe your community. If this is a return engagement, how will this project build on the previous experience(s) with this artist?
    2. Proposed Project
      Describe project details beyond those listed on the Project Outline to provide a more complete understanding of your project. Include more detailed descriptions of roster artist activities, educational materials to be provided, target audience and/or residency participants, technical capacity of the facilities to be used, and other relevant information. If this engagement is part of an outdoor event, please include plans for inclement weather.
    3. Personnel
      What is your organization?s staffing structure? List administrative, artistic and technical personnel, both paid and volunteer, especially those who will be involved in this project, with brief information regarding their qualifications.
    4. Curatorial Process
      How do you locate and select artists for your series or festival? What is the process? Who makes the selections? What are the selection criteria?
    5. Collaborators
      Are there other organizations that will be collaborating on this project? If so, name the organizations and the key people and describe how they will be participating.
    6. Project Planning
      List the steps you have taken to plan this project. How has the roster artist been involved in planning? Who else has been involved in planning and how have they been involved?
    7. Project Marketing
      How do you plan to market this public performance and any residency activities? College/University or School-Based Presenters: How are you reaching out to a broader community beyond your campus? Quantify your successes in drawing non-campus audiences.
    8. Project Evaluation
      How will you evaluate your success in reaching your goal(s)? Be specific?describe methods, tools and people involved in evaluation. How do you use evaluation data to shape future programming?
    9. Technical Production Costs
      Answer this question only if applying for funds to assist with extraordinary technical production costs. What are the technical requirements for presenting this program and how does it exceed your normal production capacity?
4. Season Listings (2 copies)
You may use the forms available online, or you may replicate the grid on your own computer. This grid should include a listing of both your 2004-2005 season of performing arts events and your 2005-2006 season. For each engagement, list:
  • Dates
  • Name of performer/group
  • Number of performances and attendance
  • Capacity
  • Number and type of residency activities and attendance
Use actual attendance figures when possible; indicate estimated figures with an asterisk. At the beginning of each season listing, indicate the year and the total dollar amount of artist fees paid, or to be paid, for the season.
5. Statement of Expenses and Income (2 copies)
For your most recently completed fiscal year, submit a maximum of 2 pages, 8.5? x 11?, detailing your expenses and income for public arts programming. If the applicant is part of a larger organization or college/university, submit only the appropriate departmental or total arts programming expenses and income. If your expenses exceed your income for this, or for any of the years listed on the Information/Summary page of the application form, include a brief statement explaining why the deficit occurred and how your organization plans to correct it. If your expenses and income show major fluctuations from one year to the next, please explain this on the statement. For a sample statement, contact the PennPAT office.
6. Contract/Letter of Agreement (2 copies)
Submit a preliminary contract or letter of agreement that includes at a minimum:
  • date(s)
  • fees
  • description of activities
  • technical needs
  • travel arrangements (Is travel included or extra? How many hotel rooms for how many nights? etc.)
  • signatures from both the presenter and the roster artist or agent/manager
We do not need original ink signatures. PennPAT will accept contracts that are contingent upon PennPAT funding, if the artist is in agreement.
7. Printed Support Materials (2 copies)
Submit 2 copies of up to three different pieces of printed support materials.
  • most recent season or festival brochure, and/or other marketing pieces
  • educational materials developed for this engagement
  • evaluation instruments for this or a recent engagement
These support materials should help panelists understand your marketing capacity, evaluation capacity and/or planned educational activities.
8. PennPAT Addendum (1 copy)
This checklist is used for statistical reporting purposes only and is not reviewed by the panel.
9. PennPAT Presenter Profile (1 copy)
Completing this profile will automatically register you for access to the online PennPAT Presenter Databank. Only PennPAT roster artists and registered presenters will have access to this information. The databank is primarily intended to help roster artists focus their marketing efforts. Completing this form is optional.
10. Proof of Non-Profit Status (1 copy)
One copy of either a 501 (c) (3) letter from the IRS or other appropriate proof of federal non-profit status. State tax exempt certificates are not acceptable.
Application Materials Checklist
To be eligible, you must submit all of the following materials. Please do not staple them; do not bind them into binders; do not insert them into folders; do not double-side or print on non-white paper or paper larger than 8.5? x 11?.

Collate and paper clip together 2 sets of:
Information/Summary page
Project Budget
Project Outline
Narrative (no more than 2-3 pages for Fee-Support applications)
Season Listings for 2004-2005 and 2005-2006
Statement of Expenses and Income (no more than 2, 8.5? x 11? pages)
Contract/Letter of Agreement with signatures from both presenter and artist or manager

Also submit, uncollated:
Support Materials (2 sets of up to 3 different pieces)
PennPAT Addendum
PennPAT Presenter Profile
Proof of Non-Profit Status
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Application Forms
All forms are available as Interactive Word documents. After you have opened them by clicking on the links below, and saved them to your computer, you may typed directly into them.
IMPORTANT: In order to save a blank or completed document, select "File" from the top menu of your browser or word processing application, and then select "Save" or "Save As.?
Mail applications to:
Pennsylvania Performing Arts on Tour
230 South Broad Street, Suite 1003
Philadelphia, PA 19102
© 2006 Pennsylvania Performing Arts on Tour | 1811 Chestnut Street, Suite 301 | Philadelphia, PA 19103 | Tel: 215/496-9424 | Fax: 215/496-9585 |
Design and Production: GHI Design


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