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Types of conclusion in an essay

There are several approaches to how to finish an essay from the write my papers service:

  • A rhetorical question. If the essay was written in the form of questions and answers, it can be completed with a rhetorical question that makes the reader think about what he has read and formulate a conclusion for himself.

A rhetorical question does not imply a specific answer, for example writers recommends: "How much longer will our people tolerate this gross injustice?" does not imply an answer in the style of "Three years and two months", but hints that it is time to change something.

  • Summarizing the author's position. The classic version of the text completion. It is enough just to briefly summarize the conclusion that follows from the above.

You can start a conclusion of this type with the words “So”, “In this way”, “Having analyzed ... it is possible to conclude”.

  • A call to action.

This is not very typical for educational essays, but some social topics can be revealed with the help of such a conclusion, for example: "Let's start with ourselves and quit smoking tomorrow", "Pick up the phone and just call the closest person - and the world will be a little better." ...

  • Use of quotation. It is much easier to put a quote in the epigraph, but sometimes it is appropriate in the conclusion: “As we can see, even today Lermontov’s“ ... the country of slaves, the country of masters ”remains valid."
  • Ring composition. The conclusion should overlap with the introduction. The simplest option: in the introduction a question is posed, in the conclusion the answer is given: "Now we can confidently answer that ...".

Methods for writing conclusions in an essay

The method of writing conclusions should be chosen long before finishing the essay - preferably even before starting work on the text. Examples of methods by service:

  • In the process of writing the main part, sketch ideas for the ending. When putting forward and substantiating a new thesis, briefly write it down on a separate sheet of paper - then by the end of work on the main part you will have a blank for a conclusion.
  • Imagine that the reader is asking the question, "So what?" Explain to him with the help of the conclusion why the whole text was not read by him in vain, what he should endure for himself.
  • Try to bring the reader to a higher level of awareness of your work. Don't just mechanically repeat what was said earlier, but make him want to answer you, argue or share his experience.

Making a conclusion in an essay

One of the aspects regarding how to write the conclusion in an essay is the formatting. Making a conclusion in an essay is extremely simple:

  • No heading required ("conclusion", "conclusions" or similar). You don't even need to start your conclusion on a new page. It is enough to complete the thought (constituting the last part of the main text of the work) and smoothly move on to the formulation of conclusions.
  • The conclusion begins with a new paragraph without special separators (no need to underline it or use other means).
  • The scope of the conclusion should be commensurate with the essay itself. If the essay is 3 pages long, it is inappropriate to devote one and a half of them to the conclusion. As a general principle, the volume of the conclusion should be 5-10% of the volume of work; accordingly, in a three-page essay, it should be about a third of a page.
  • The font parameters do not change when switching to writing the conclusion: if the entire text is written in Times New Roman font size 14, the conclusion is also written with it.  

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