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Music Tech 3 - MPA 1 
First marking period assessment rubric for Music Technology 3 students.
Rubric Code: TXX6WA6
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Public Rubric
Subject: Music  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric MT3 - MPA1

1 pts


2 pts


3 pts


4 pts

25 %

Proper handling of equipment


Much equipment is not handled according to the instructed methods. This includes the sequence of powering up the console and monitors, running cables, using microphone clips, handling microphones, stands, and instruments.

Some equipment is handled according to the instructed methods. This includes the sequence of powering up the console and monitors, running cables, using microphone clips, handling microphones, stands, and instruments.

Most equipment is handled according to the instructed methods. This includes the sequence of powering up the console and monitors, running cables, using microphone clips, handling microphones, stands, and instruments.

All equipment is handled according to the instructed methods. This includes the sequence of powering up the console and monitors, running cables, using microphone clips, handling microphones, stands, and instruments.
20 %

Management of equipment


Little to no evidence of a well-thought out, logical approach to the setup. Lines are set up haphazardly and channels are set without evidence of intent. Some mic placements are inappropriate or not optimal for their application.

Some evidence of a well-thought out, logical approach to the setup. Lines are set up with some thought and channels are generally set with intent. Some mic placements are inappropriate or not optimal for their application.

Evidence of a well-thought out, logical approach to the setup. Lines are set up methodically and channels are generally set with intent. Mic placements are for the most part logical and appropriate for the application.

Clear evidence of a well-thought out, logical approach to the setup. Lines are set up methodically, channels are set with intent and mic placements are logical and appropriate for the application.
30 %

Selections and configurations


No microphones used on one or more instruments for the assessment.

Microphone selections appear random. Microphone configurations requiring pairings are set with unpaired microphones and may not be set appropriately, relative to the intended pairing selection.

Microphone selections are made with a clear idea of intended sound capture. Microphone configurations requiring pairings are complete with paired sets but may not be set appropriately, relative to the pairing selection.

Microphone selections are made with a clear idea of intended sound capture. Microphone configurations requiring pairings are complete with paired sets and set accordingly.
Console Management
25 %

Use and understanding of the board


Cable management into the console is careless and unorganized. No understanding of functions of the channels is evident (i.e., +48V, Gain, HF, LF, etc.).

Cable management into the console is somewhat careless and unorganized. Little understanding of functions of the channels is evident (i.e., +48V, Gain, HF, LF, etc.).

Cable management into the console is mostly methodical and logical. Some understanding of functions of the channels is evident (i.e., +48V, Gain, HF, LF, etc.).

Cable management into the console is methodical and logical. Understanding of functions of the channels is evident (i.e., +48V, Gain, HF, LF, etc.).

  • Delsea Regional, Audio Production, Music Technology



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