Animation "ReDesign Character
Project 1
Your favorite character REDESIGNED!
Create a drawing of your favorite character that shows your character looking, doing, and saying something that is EXTREMELY DIFFERENT than how he/she/it would normally be.
You will be graded on :
**Wednesday 8/27 you MUST participate in the group critique during the last 10 minutes of class. However, the only way you can participate is if your project is started on your FINAL paper.**
5 pts
4 pts
3 pts
2 pts
1 pts
at least 3 unusual depictions of your character- How your character looks, acts, and what he/she/it is saying
You have added extra characters, created an elaborate background, or extra props that add more information about who your character is.
You have made connections between this project and other disciplines other than art.
1a. Your character has an unusual LOOK
1b. Your character is DOING something he/she/it wouldn’t normally do
1c. Your character is SAYING something he/she/it wouldn’t normally say
1d. You have a background that reflects something to do with your character
Excluded one of the concepts below:
1a. Your character has an unusual LOOK
1b. Your character is DOING something he/she/it wouldn’t normally do
1c. Your character is SAYING something he/she/it wouldn’t normally say
1d. You have a background that reflects something to do with your character
Excluded two or more of the concepts below:
1a. Your character has an unusual LOOK
1b. Your character is DOING something he/she/it wouldn’t normally do
1c. Your character is SAYING something he/she/it wouldn’t normally say
1d. You have a background that reflects something to do with your character
attention to detail and how carefully you use materials
You have used a variety of materials to create a unified artwork.
You have created a unique way to present your final project.
1a. No original pencil lines are showing
1b. Paper/board: clean, don’t fold, no tears or rips
1c. Media (materials): keep color inside the shape, texture should be the same throughout the drawing, mix up materials throughout a project
1d. Details:matching details should be the same shape, size, etc
1a. No original pencil lines are showing
1b. Paper/board: no tears or rips
1c. Media (materials): keep color inside the shape, texture should be the same throughout the drawing, mix up materials throughout a project
1d. Details:matching details should be the same shape, size, etc
1a. No original pencil lines are showing
1c. Media (materials): keep color inside the shape, texture should be the same throughout the drawing, mix up materials throughout a project
1d. Details:matching details should be the same shape, size, etc
1a. No original pencil lines are showing
1c. Media (materials): keep color inside the shape, texture should be the same throughout the drawing, mix up materials throughout a project
working during class, respecting materials and the class, turning work in on time
You have worked on your project outside of class.
You have significantly helped other students.
You have shared ideas with the entire class that have helped develop this project.
1a. Materials: don’t break them, don’t leave them out to dry or be stolen
1b. Classroom: clean-put stuff away, throw away paper, wipe tables, clean off floor
1c. Using time in class: don’t sleep, no messing around, keep busy the ENTIRE class time
1d. Turning work in: work due Friday complete and with your name on it
Project turned in on the 1st due date: Friday, 8/29 at the end of the bell
FINAL Due date: Wednesday, Septembe
1a. Materials: don’t break them, don’t leave them out to dry or be stolen
1b. Classroom: clean-put stuff away, throw away paper, wipe tables, clean off floor
1c. Using time in class: don’t sleep, no messing around, keep busy the ENTIRE class time
1d. Turning work in: complete and with your name on it
Did not reach level 3 during this project.
Project turned in on the 1st due date: Friday, 8/29 at the end of the bell
FINAL Due date:
1a. Materials: don’t break them, don’t leave them out to dry or be stolen
1b. Classroom: clean-put stuff away, throw away paper, wipe tables, clean off floor
1c. Using time in class: don’t sleep, no messing around, keep busy during MOST of class
Reached level 3 any day we worked on this project.
Project turned in on the 1st due date: Friday, 8/29 at the end of the bell
FINAL Due date: Wednesday, September 3rd
You will lose
Did not work most of class, ruined or lost supplies or tools, interrupted other students, slept, left work space dirty/messy more than once or very significantly, reached level 3 or 4