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Aga's GBC Edusite

Aga's Examples


Scoring Guide
Developing Intellectual Dispositions
Our aim as critical thinkers is to cultivate ourselves as fair-minded, intellectually responsible persons. To achieve this goal, we strive to develop intellectual virtues or dispositions. These attributes are essential to excellence of thought. They determine with what insight and integrity we think.
Rating Scale:
1 = very week disposition, needs much development
2 = weak disposition but showing a tendency toward development
3 = fairly well developed tendency toward the disposition
4 = strong, well-developed disposition
Intellectual Disposition
Intellectual humility is knowledge of ignorance, sensitivity to what we know and what we don’t know.
It means being aware of our biases, prejudices, self-deceptive tendencies, and the limitations of our viewpoint.
To what extent do I:
-admit that there is much to learn from others?
-use the term “I don’t know” frequently
-understand that my prejudices influence my thinking?
-explore my “uncritical thinking” attitudes and realize that they keep me from seeing things as they are?
Intellectual courage is the disposition to question beliefs you feel strongly about. It includes questioning the beliefs of your culture and the groups to which you belong and a willingness to express your views even when they are unpopular.
To what extent do I:
-analyze the beliefs I hold?
-question my beliefs, many of which I learned in childhood?
-demonstrate a willingness to give up my beliefs when sufficient evidence is presented against them?
-stand up against the majority (even though people ridicule me)?
Intellectual empathy is awareness of the need to actively entertain views that differ from our own, especially those we strongly disagree with. It is to accurately reconstruct the viewpoints and reasoning of our opponents and to reason from premises, assumptions and ideas other than our own.
To what extent do I:
-accurately represent viewpoints I disagree with?
-summarize the views of my opponents to their satisfaction?
-see insights in the views of others and prejudices in my own?
-sympathize with the feelings of others if their feelings differ from mine?
Intellectual integrity consists in holding yourself to the same intellectual standards you expect others to honor (no double standards, “walk the talk”).
To what extent do I:
-behave in accordance with what i say and believe?
-expect the same of myself as i expected of others?
-attempt to remove inconsistencies in my actions?
-strive to recognize and eliminate self-deception in my life?

Intellectual perseverance is the disposition to work your way through intellectual complexeties despite
the frustration inherent in the task.
To what extent do I:
-work my way through the complexities of an issue, i.e. not give up when I experience difficulty?
-think of a difficult intellectual problem in which I have demonstrated patience and determination in working through the difficulties?
-use strategies for dealing with complex problems?
-recognize that learning is often difficult and that it is more important to engage in challenging intellectual work?
Confidence in reason is based on the belief that one’s own higher interests and those of humankind at
Large are best served by giving the freest play to reason. It means using standards of reasonability as the
Fundamental criteria by which to judge whether to accept or reject any belief or position.
To what extent do I:
-change my position when the evidence leads to a more reasonable position?
-adhere to principles of sound reasoning when persuading others of my position and not distort matters to support my position?
-see the issue from the most reasonable perspective and not try to just “win” at all costs?
-encourage others to come to their own conclusions and not try to force my views on them?
Intellectual autonomy is thinking for oneself while adhering to standards or rationality. It means thinking
Through issues using one’s own thinking rather than uncritically accepting the viewpoints of others.
To what extent do I:
-not conform to the standards of others as a “blind follower”?
-critically accept what I am told by my government, the media, my peers?
-think through issues on my own, not merely accept the views of others?
-stand alone despite the irrational criticisms of others?
Name______________________________________________________              Date_______________________________


Source: Stiehl, R., Lewchuk, L. (2008). The assessment primer: Creating a flow for learning evidence.




Business Management: Oral Presentation Rubric

Intended Learning Outcome: Make an oral presentation as a the conclusion of a major project.
Organization and Coherence
Undeveloped and does not orient the audience to what will follow; sequencing is not clear or interesting.

0     1     2     3 


Generally not well developed and does not show a clear sense of direction with some confusion.
4     5     6      7

Gets attention of the audience by drawing then into the ideas by relating to their interests and goals.


8     9     10

Central ideas are vague with no apparent logic or order; the main purpose is not clear.
0     1     2     3 
Concepts and ideas loosely connected; lack of effective planning with ideas not always flowing smoothly.

4     5     6      7


Well organized. Developed and supported with appropriate examples and relevant supporting data.

8     9     10

Subject Knowledge and Related Areas
Poor sequence of information and does not seem to relate to audience needs and interests.
0     1     2     3 
Seemed appropriate for the audience with effort to make material relevant and interesting; little supporting data.

4     5     6      7


Topics ideas and examples were interesting and relevant emphasizing key points; conclusion was clearly evident.



 8     9     10

General Organization
Logistics of ideas not clear; listeners confused; choppy and disjointed.
0     1     2     3 
Generally clear and well organized; some points may be confusing; transitions between ideas need improvement.
4     5     6      7


Effective planning and logical sequence with clearly stated and developed ideas; logical and relevant conclusion.


8     9     10

Main Points
Little attempt to tie theory and concepts to practice; reliability of information is in doubt as main points are difficult to identify.
0     1     2     3 
Some attempt to tie theory and concepts to practice; reliability of information is in doubt as main points are not always clear.
4     5     6      7
All material clearly related to central focus and organized effectively; accurate and complete explanations.

8     9     10


Supporting Material
Little or on reference to supporting documents; accuracy of information questionable.
0     1     2     3 
Generally accurate and complete but reliability of information is sometimes in doubt and lacks adequate development.
4     5     6      7
Original, relevant and logical as evidence supports material presented; all information relates to core areas.

8     9     10


Little attempt to tie theory and concepts to practice; ignored multiple points of view.
0     1     2     3 
Some relevant research information used from multiple sources that appeared credible.
4     5     6      7
All material clearly related to central focus and is properly referenced, credible and noted.

8     9     10


Central focus is not clear; ideas lack coherence and logic; relevance is not clear; conclusion is weak.
0     1     2     3 
The few examples used seem relevant but needed some expansion; some lack of planning and organization of concepts.
4     5     6      7
Application of theory included; logical organization; addresses core areas, evidence of research.

8     9     10


General Delivery Style
Frequent and distracting verbal pauses; extensive reading; difficult to determine ideas; poor clothing choices; mannerisms were distracting.
0     1     2     3 
Mostly complete and logical; not polished; nervousness; tone, voice and clothing seemed appropriate to the audience.
 4     5     6      7
Appropriate and varied vocabulary; captures audience imagination; sense of individuality; clearly aware of expectations and norms.

8     9     10


Ineffective body language and eye contact; composure lost during distractions.
0     1     2     3 
Good tone, movement and eye contact with whole audience; good volume pitch and variation.
4     5     6      7
Good articulation, eye contact, enthusiasm, confidence; modifies delivery style as needed.

8     9     10


Audience has difficulty following most of the ideas; no gestures; audience not engaged.
0     1     2     3 
Most of the audience is attentive; some problems with logistics; some stress causing incoherence.
4     5     6      7
Good audience attention with clear voice and pronunciation; used reinforcing nonverbal skills.

8     9     10


Language and Articulation
Articulation and pronunciation sloppy; filler words (‘ums”) excessive; biased or unclear language used; peppered with slang or jargon; dull.
0     1     2     3 
Generally articulation and pronunciation are clear; filler words not distracting; language not disrespectful.
4     5     6      7
Language familiar and appropriate to audience; good volume pitch and variation; free from bias; limited filler words.

8     9     10


Communication and Aids
Little or no aids used and/or poorly prepared; imbalanced use; detracts from message; extensive reading; limited eye contact.
0     1     2     3 
Some material not supported by aids; balanced and use sometimes questionable; some hesitancy; generally effective.
4     5     6      7
Appropriate and varied vocabulary; captures audience imagination, sense of individuality; natural, confident, smooth gestures and facial expressions.

8     9     10


Problem with use of language to result in poor communication in general; poor audience attention.
0     1     2     3 
Most audience can hear and comprehend the message; visually reasonably well supported.
4     5     6      7
All of the audience can comprehend the message; smooth use and transition in the use of aids.

8     9     10


Text Elements and Graphics
Aids detract from overall presentation; extensive reading from notes; not clearly connected to core content.


0     1     2     3 
Some material not supported by aids; balance and use sometimes questionable; some reference to notes.


4     5     6      7
Effective use of font, color, logistics, organization and emphasis; good central points; balanced and judicious use; did not read from notes.

8     9     10


Discussion and Response to Questions
Responses to audience undeveloped and unclear; does not have grasp of information; avoids active discussion and participation.
0     1     2     3 
Responses to questions are adequate and uses reference material most of the time; sometimes difficulty with staying on topic.
4     5     6      7
Responses to questions are relevant and focused; Accurate interpretation of questions posed; demonstrates extensive knowledge.

8     9     10


Use of Feedback
Unable to reference supporting content and application; lack of interest, preparation; confusion; tentative; unclear
0     1     2     3 
Sometimes the material is not focused on the feedback provided; use of evidence and application is adequate.
4     5     6      7
Material is modified or clarified to focus on issues at hand; connects appropriate content, examples and application; confident; coherent; complete.

8     9     10




Source: Stiehl, R., Lewchuk, L. (2008). The assessment primer: Creating a flow for learning evidence.
