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Activity to apply Theories


Consulting and Auditing


November 13, 2008



            Tennessee Gas Association has been around for a few decades and is in need for some changes. The building their offices are located in is very nice from the outside. Entering the building, it is very different atmosphere. It should be updated, they need a better use of the space, new technology more communication through employees, and have higher clientele within their organization. I am going to mark up a plan with a purpose, benefits, schedule, costs, management, support, and progress reports and more for TGA to have an understanding of what I am going to do and I will be a part of the plan every step of the way.

Project Purpose

            The purpose of the project for TGA is to help them grow.  My goals through the plan are to remodel the inside of their building, advertise their company more through other organizations, provide them with new technology, and maintain better relationships with co-workers.  I will meet with their senior management a full year in advance to let them know on my advice for change to help their company out. My goal for the project is to be done within a year and a half. By the end of the first half of the second year, I will have completed my project of remodeling; but building clientele may take longer than that.

Project Benefits  

            As the project comes into play, it will benefit their clientele and their employees. When I come in to remodel, TGA will be more organized. With the space they do not use, it will be redesigned into a small conference room, and one big supply room; no more cubicles. The new use of space will benefit them to know where everything is and be stress free work place. All employees are able to use the new area. I hope their staff will be acquainted with each other rather than just passing through the halls saying “hello”. There will be frequent emails for everyone to receive more updates. When I came in to check out their site for arrangements of a new plan, I observed their phone services and how it is used.  It was difficult to see where offices were located; hard to get in touch with the employee. Each office will provide a list of everyone’s location in the building, along with their position title, name and extension number. The employees can be in touch with supervisors faster and easier. Along with the new phone services, I want the email system to be more effective. Weekly updates, invitations via email will be things to offer and reach everyone at a quicker pace. There should be web cameras for other offices across the state to be involved with meetings; but they are not who I am dealing with right now.

Approach, Scope, and Plan

            My approach is to come down to TGA and offer assistance with their organization. I want to let them know that I am there to make their company exceed in many areas. Not only benefiting the employees, but their clients as well. I will come into the office for two straight weeks to observe everything that is going on in the office on a daily basis; hopefully to recognize any changes along the way. I will notice their daily communication with others in the office and how they deal with others in different companies across the state. I will also notice their lack of organized supplies lack of space they could surely use in the office. I plan to speak with them about everything I noticed while I came in to see their routines. I will then come up with my plans about refurbishing the area to make of better use; there will be communication that is offered that they do not have. I will speak with the employees individually and tell them what I noticed on the relationships with others in the office. I feel that if I spoke with them individually, it would be more effective than speaking in a group; they would just try to make better relationships and not do so effectively.

Project Schedule

            The project will be in a timeline effect. I want to have a set plan down to the month and day of when a goal is accomplished.

Year 1:

·        Month One: Conference with upper management about new project plan.

·        Month Two: In the first wing of the building, it does not require too much remodeling. Move office supplies and furniture into storage. Have the employees use empty cubicles for work. Replace carpet, painting, and replace lighting.

·        Month Three: Gut the two single bathrooms in the first wing and provide new tile and lighting in them as well. Purchase new furniture for the offices; replace in the first wing.

·        Month Four: Continue to move in supplies and employees back into their offices. Bring in new computers (6), copiers (2), printers (3), fax machine (1). Prepare for the next step in moving out the cubicles.

·        Month Five: Take down cubicle walls, rip out the carpet.

·        Month Five: Clean out unused cubicles; tear down cubicle walls. Rip out the carpet. Frame out new walls from floor to ceiling. There is enough space to make a conference room and one big open area. The open area will have file cabinets, shelves, and area to display awards, add a copier, and in itself, will be storage as well.

·        Month Six: Paint. Replace carpet. Add lighting. Move in supplies, products, and furniture into storage and conference room

·        Month Seven: Opposite of the new conference room and supply area, there are three offices and walk-in supply closet. The first office and the closet share a wall; that will be torn out and make a somewhat bigger office for the executive director. The second and third office will stay the same; just updated with the rest of the office; new lighting, carpet, and paint.

·        Month Eight: Move computers and furniture into re-modeled offices. Train employees on office technology.

·        Month Nine: Will be for any small maintenance issues for the office, if needed; like with technology, repairs missed in the process of the modeling.

·        Month Ten: Begin the process of building more clientele. Advertise at heat and air supply offices. Home appliance stores, like Lowe’s and Home Depot.

·        Month Eleven: Start working on relationships in the office. Build better teamwork. Begin having meetings once a month to fill in on their projects if they need to. Meet the value of collaborating and seeking higher goals within the organization.

·        Month Twelve: Install new phone services for them to communicate better.

Year 2:

  • Month 1-6:  Have open if there are any downfalls throughout the change process.

Progress Reports

      As I am consulting their company for the two years I have offered to help, I will keep progress reports to let them know on the ideas, costs, changes, updates, and have their support throughout the process. Through the first year before any changes, I will report to them twice a month with my progress on finding the materials, products, new technology, and furniture; I will have new plans for them to communicate effectively and solutions for their meetings with their members of the organizations across Tennessee. The progress reports will show them the whole lay out of my intentions to help their organization. They will say who I have spoken with, negotiations; so TGA will know I am working with the best prices I can find them. I do not want this to cost more than what they can afford. At our first meeting, they agreed that $100,000 was their budget and do not want to go over; otherwise they wish not to follow through in the project. I want them to know everything that is going on with my time at TGA. All employees will be included in changes, and especially senior management to help make decisions.

Costing Summary   

      As I sat down at my desk coming up with costs for their business, I broke it down into the materials we will need to help their company. I found their furniture at Business Furniture solutions; I looked at Home Depot, and figured out their totals:

8 Filing Cabinets:                               $4,000

4 Shelves:                                          $6,000

3 Wall Art:                                        $1,500

20 Chairs:                                          $12,000

5 Executive Desks:                            $25,000

4 Cubicles:                                        $1,200

1 Podium:                                          $200

Conference Table:                             $700

Carpeting:                                          $18,000

2 Walls:                                             $2,000

Lighting:                                             $2,000

Painting:                                             $500

2 Toilets:                                           $300

2 Sinks:                                             $300

Tiling:                                                $2,000

Phone Services: $500

Total:                                               $76,200

      I want to plan for $90,000 budget in case there is anything that goes wrong throughout the process and changes. There might possibly be a chance for other costs to advertise TGA, which will vary in price; but I want to help them get their name out their. I will address the right person in the organization to discuss this process.

Personnel and Qualifications

      I am currently working with the consulting group at Analysis Group, Inc. Working there straight out of college, it has given me a lot of experience for the past five years. Our office is located in Boston, Massachusetts and is considered one of the top 50 consulting firms across the United States. We do very high quality work and the firm offers great flexibility in balancing work and life.


      As I began to contact consultants, I needed to have contracts from them to clarify the loose ends with them. For construction, I will use Conrad Construction; they are great workers and have been in business for twenty years. I know they will accomplish more than what I expect. I also have a contract with Empire for the carpeting. I need them a few times within the year to work on each part of the office. I do not have contracts with the Business Furniture Solutions. I will purchase all up front and send the bill to TGA. I have a contract also with Porter Paints; they will paint the office for TGA and I will send the bill to TGA. The telephone services will be provided by BellSouth and they will re-connect their extensions to better understand offices. Office Depot will provide copiers and all technology also installing at TGA.

Client Personnel

      The duties of my client are to participate. I need them to follow through with instructions. I also need them to let me know if they are having any problems with anything; if they disagree with price, plans or any negotiations. Before plans start with remodeling, the employees will need to participate in cleaning out supplies they will not further need. It is up to them to put what they need in file cabinets. With their cooperation, everything will move into a smoother process and they will be back to normal faster with my help.


Senior Management Support

     I want the support from all management. I believe it is very important for their stamp of approval. I hope they understand how important it is for them to communicate better. The new technology will help them and enhance relationships between co-workers. Each step of the way, like I stated before, employees and especially upper management will know what is going on. Costs will be discussed, designs, plans for communication, advertising for the organization will all be priorities for them to make them more improved as a whole.

Output Material

      I did a survey with the executive director; one of the organization’s weaknesses is they do not have time to visit other members throughout the state frequently. The improved email and phone services will be help with communication. Part of my proposal is that I want to help them collaborate. I want to propose and arrangement for quarterly visits to other organizations who are members. I want to put out a survey to all employees at TGA to see how they feel about the changes in every aspect of the organization.

Management Plan

      My plan for the project with TGA is to gather references and overseeing the work. I do not want employees and managers to stress about the changes. I want to assure them that this will improve their organization; through communication, supply organization, and better relations. I will not take over by any means. These are their decisions, I am strictly there for questions, and help lead them in the right direction.


      I have a list of references for TGA to contact. If they want to reach any of them individually outside of their meeting time with me, they will have it; or if they have any questions and I am not available:

Home Depot

Conrad Construction


Business Furniture Solutions

Dell Computers

Office Depot




     With my help, TGA will be improved in their communications, their own clients in their new offices and conference room. Before I came in, they were not organized with their supplies, files, etc. They will now have filing cabinets, shelving they did not have before and better phone services. They will have updated computers using all of the new Microsoft Office. Their advertising for their organization will be more out in the community and more people will use natural gas and provide them with more business.



My References

Gray , D (2002). Consulting Business. Canada: International Self-Counsel Press Ltd..
