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English 101


Soc 101


     Sociology is a class where you learn the different reasons things happen to society. You learn why different minorities are discriminated against and why there are different prejudices. You learn about the different class systems and how class effects society. The first day of class I learned that sociology is not common sense and I have to remember that every time I take a test. Sociology teaches you about society and how the different class systems and minorities are viewed and how they work.


Click here to view my Sociology essay 




     I relearned through this essay that women are still being discriminated against in the workplace. Even though this discrimination has gotten a lot better, women are still discriminated against. I realized some things that I did wrong in the paper at first. When I first wrote the paper about the vicious circle I misunderstood the concept of the circle. I thought that genocide was the same as murder so I had to change this part of the essay. I also realized that I should look at a thesaurus because the words I use are very small and don’t utilize my vocabulary. I realize that I should always give my essays to Mrs. Donnovan because when I do this she gives it back to me and I can make corrections. That is what I did with this essay and I feel like I have learned the concept of the vicious circle much better. I suggest to anyone who has the opportunity to turn in their essay to any teacher that they take this opportunity and use it to their full advantage. Also taking essays to the writing center helps but they don’t find everything so I will have to start asking multiple people to look at my essays from now on.
