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English 101 Portfolio


About Me

About Me



My name is Sabrina Arflin.  I was born in Anderson, South Carolina, and I have lived in this basic area my whole life.  I moved to Walhalla in second grade and graduated from Walhalla High School.  Go Razorbacks! 

I absolutely love to READ, mostly fictional romance and suspense books.  I also like books that are about fictional things that make you think if maybe they really happen.  For example, Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons and The DaVinci Code. Books like that are about historical events that could have happened, and Brown goes into such detail.  I also believe, as do all book readers, that the book is always better than the movie.  You just cannot put everything that is in the book into the movie.  Novelists have way too much detail for one film.  Since I have a huge imagination, I am able to picture everything the book says.  I believe that you need that feature if you are going to like reading. 

I love movies too, because not every movie is made after a book.  Granted, all movies seem to be copying earlier material, there are still some really good ones that come out and just blow your mind.  I love comedies, romances, horror, and suspense. 

My major is English, and my aspiration is to become a book editor for a very prestigious publishing company.  People have told me that I will probably have to move to New York, and that suits me just fine.  I have always wanted to move away and live somewhere that would be exotic to me, but I also wonder if I will be able to handle the cold.  I am so used to the moderate weather of South Carolina, but I believe I will adjust.  Maybe after I get settled in my book editing job and have been there for a while and gained some experience, I might even try writing a book of my own.  That would be a dream for me. 

