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English 101







Short Term: 

    In the short term, I have several goals that are important to me. First, I would like to become a after school care worker by Fall 2009. Academically, I want to finish the 2008 Fall semester with a 3.0 GPA. I also want to finish the year with a 3.0 GPA.  Socially, I want to meet new people. I want get more friends, especially close friends. I want to help my brother get to college.


Short Term Reflection:

    These goals are very important to me. In March 2009 I have a test called the ParaPro Assessment in which I must get a 456 to pass. I want to pass this test and become an after school worker so much. I do not enjoy my workplace like I did when I started and I want to start on my career of teaching. After school care would be a job that I can get some experience and that I would enjoy because I love kids. I also would get some great benefits that I don’t get at my current workplace. I would be more financially stable with after school care.  If I were to become an after school care worker, I would get weekends off and time to study each night. I could still help the football team at random. Instead of uniforms I could wear comfortable clothing. These are some nice benefits and they make after school care even more of an advantage. So far, I have received a study book for ParaPro and I have begun to study. I have started registration for the March 2009 test that will be in Greenville, SC.

      I need a 3.0 GPA because I need LIFE scholarship. I really expect myself to get close to a 4.0 GPA because I know that I am capable. I want at least a 3.0 GPA however because it pays for me to go to college. So far, I have achieved a 3.0 GPA status in my 2008 Fall semester.

     Socially, I want to become more active. My high school years were not too bad in this area, however there is room for improvement. I would love to have some close friends to share my issues with instead of bottling them up inside. So far I have met some people in my college journey. I am improving. I am starting to not dread when instructors want me to work in a group. I want my brother to make it to college through his struggle. I have committed extra time to him to get him studying more and to accomplish some responsibility. I also believe that my brother and I need to spend time together and help each other out when needed.



Long Term

     In the long term, I have a few goals I want to accomplish as well. By 2012, I want to be accepted in to a Teacher Education Program. I want to earn my teaching degree by 2016. Two years later, I hope to be an inspiring Elementary teacher to many young kids.


Long Term Reflection:

     As of right now, I need to take and pass the Praxis in order to be accepted in to a Teacher Education Program. I am on track to be accepted by 2012. I currently am on my way to successfully reaching a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education by 2016. I feel that I am also on my way to becoming a great teacher. It is important to me to become a great teacher because I want children to learn what I teach and I want them to be positively inspired to tackle their journey. I want to be the great teacher that a few teachers were to me. One day I envision it would be nice to be nominated for the Golden Apple Award. However, my biggest hope is that I am a inspiration to children to do well in life! As I stated in my About Me page, I have even created a book of research dedicated to this cause.  


