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Holly Mathews' Teaching Portfolio


Teaching Standards

(Here we go, this is the meat of your eportfolio) It doesn't appear as though you can attach documents, so you may have to cut and paste into the text editor.


1. This space is where my resume would be.


The second icon to the right of the smiley is the page break, you may want to insert one after each artifact to break it up a bit.




2. This space is where my academic transcript would be, again, not sure how you would get it in the format other than to paste from word icon above or simply typing it in.  Naturally, you would most likely be having IVCC send a proper copy to a prospective employer either when applying or after an interview, whatever the process is at the school you want to work at is.




3.  Here would be my health documents




4. Background Check.




5. Letters of reference



6. Letters of evaluation



7. Membership in student/professional organizations



8. Content Knowledge artifacts



9. Human Development and Learning artifacts



10.  Diversity artifacts



11. Planning for Instruction artifacts



12. Learning Environment artifacts



13. Instructional Delivery artifacts



14. Communication artifacts



15. Assessment artifacts



16. Collaborative Relationships artifacts



17. Reflction and Professional Growth artifacts



18. Professional Conduct artifacts
