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Karin L. Boughan



XYZ Accounting Firm - PYRAMID Award Receipient 2007, PYRAMID stands for:


Passion for Life

Yearning for knowledge

Respect for others


Making a difference


Developing opportunities


The following are excerpts from the nominations written by various co-workers:


Developing Opportunities
She always takes the time actually teach and foster the growth of less experienced auditors.
Making A Difference
I nominate Karin Boughan for “Making a Difference”. She is always will to mentor people, assigned or not assigned to her. She takes inititive and gets involved. She has a passion for people.  Karin is involved in helping Reznick give back to the  community by participating as a leader for the community service event and participating in the efforts for the Duck Derby.
Making A Difference
Karin not only mentors more associates than any other senior associate but she is also constantly helping others who are not her mentees as they come to her for guidance. She also was a leader during the Community Day and backed the Duck Drive very strongly. Karin is the definition of this PYRAMID value.
Making A Difference
Being a senior and a mentor is a lot of responsibility, but Karin manages to do it with grace and passion. She wants to make sure others are comfortable, that they understand what they are working on, and that they are being recognized for the work they are doing.
Making A Difference
I would like to nominate Karin Boughan for a PYRAMID award.  Although I feel that she truly embodies all of the PYRAMID values, I finally narrowed it down to her best exemplifying the “M” – Making a Difference.  I have worked for Karin considerably throughout the past year and a half, and I spent pretty much my entire first year as an intern working with her.  She always takes time out of really busy schedule to answer questions, help figure something out (even when I’m working on jobs that aren’t for her!), and sit down to either walk me through how to complete an assignment or explain what to do until I have a comfortable understanding of my task at hand.  She is one of the most popular mentors on our team, and although she isn’t my formal “mentor” (because I work with her so much already), I am lucky to have her as my senior, supervisor, and informal mentor.  As I gain more experience, it is obvious than Karin gives me more responsibility, input, and independence on our jobs, but still has the utmost patience and understanding to help teach me more and more things.  As I have begun working with other seniors and managers, I truly realize how lucky I am to be able to work with Karin, and how much she has taught me over the past year.  In addition to being an amazing mentor, Karin definitely leads by example in giving back to the community and going the extra mile at work.  She was a team leader for the Duck Derby fundraiser, she was a project leader during our Community Service Day, and she volunteers at the Taste of Baltimore every year.  It’s clear that Karin always steps up to be a leader when needed.  She has said several times that she sees her responsibility as a senior associate to be a trainer to help associates and new hires, and provide a sounding board to listen when people have problems.  Her work is exemplary, which is evident by the abundance of engagements which she oversees.  Whereas some seniors view their top priority to get their work done first, and delegate to associates; Karin undoubtedly helps others before worrying about her own responsibilities.  Therefore, not only has Karin been able to “Make a Difference”, but she is always seeking to “Develop Opportunities”, and constantly shows “Respect for Others” and “Passion For Life” through her daily work at Reznick Group.
I would like to nominate Karin Boughan for the all around PYRAMID award (I'm assuming they are doing the all around one, if not let me know and i'll narrow it down to a specific value) as she demonstrates all of the pyramid qualities.  Karin is hard working, nevering cutting corners and always ensuring her work is done correctly and in a timely manner.  She always has a professional attitude when dealing with both the client and fellow coworkers.  Karin is constantly concerning herself with the welfare of people she is working with and people she is mentoring.  She treats everyone equally and creates an environment where people can learn and succeed.  Karin is constantly juggling priorities and taking on new challenges.  For all these reasons I believe Karin deserves recognition for all of her efforts and hard work.
Passion For Life
Karin is always full of life and excited for new challenges. She loves her job as a senior and a mentor and looks forward to helping others understand what they are doing and why they are doing it - she really enjoys teaching and watching others become better, more knowledgeable auditors!  In addition, Karin is involved in other activities outside of work that show that she is a well-rounded passionate individual - she has a great work-life balance and it is one that others can look up to.
Passion For Life
Rallies and influences others for a common purpose while inspiring confidence; Leads by the example of being a “celebrator” and not a complainer; Intuitively understands that people enjoy and are drawn to leaders who enjoy life; Shares wisdom and resources and is generous of self; Demonstrates commitment. People do not follow uncommitted leaders. Commitment can be displayed in a full range of matters to include the hours you work or chose to maintain, how you work to improve your abilities and what you do for your fellow workers at a personal sacrifice; Keeps improving; Accomplishes more than expected; Is passionate about achieving excellence – not perfection – but the highest quality results one can reasonably expect. You consistently work towards raising the bar – first for yourself, then for others.
Respect For Others
Karin demonstrates all of the attributes of respecting others - she treats others fairly, genuinely cares about others, she is a true mentor in every aspect of the word. As a senior, she knows that her staff are there to help get things done, and she appreciates their help - she doesn't expect it. She gives truthful feedback - not because she has to, but because she truly cares about others excelling.
Respect For Others
I would like to nominate Karin Boughan for Respect For Others.  She has been a true team player and is considerate to everyone she meets/and works with.  She is a great person to be around and always willing to help when someone has a question.


