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Club or School Logo U Hope

About Us

    We are a unique Christian club on UCI's campus. We care about building a safe church community of strong biblical Christians that will impact the world around them by utilizing the gifts God has given them. God created us all and therefore desires us all to know Him regardless of ethnicity or history.

We desire to live for Christ in every area of our lives because we believe that He alone is God who created the universe with an intention for his creation. We have a purpose beyond ourselves. We are called to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the WORLD because it is through Him only that we have forgiveness, wholeness, and eternal life. We do not water down God's word because it is Truth that will set us free, not a pluralistic view of spirituality or God.

The members of this group understand that we are forgiven sinners, God's children, and that this world is not our home but heaven is. We try to live according to God's standards but know we do stumble and it's by His love (best shown by Jesus' death on the cross) that gives us victory over Satan and our sin.

We continue to grow to maturity by seeking God's wisdom, guidance and spiritual fruits. That is, love, peace, patience, self control, gentleness, joy, kindness, goodness, and faithfullnes. It is a tall order but with Christ anything is possible!

God is a person not a religion and therefore, our relationship with God through his son Jesus Christ is of utmost importance to us. Growing more in love with Him everyday...
