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   Emily Ford   

Philosophy of Education

       My conception of learning is to provided a sntrong foundation for lifelong learning. Learning is not just something you are forced to do as a child, but the learning process will follow you all throughout your life, whether you are training for your career, or for a promotion in your current job. The key to classroom success in an elementary school is motivation. If the children have something to look forward to or be rewarded with they will strive harder to be the best they are able to be. Learning should be exciting and students should be enthusiastic when at school. Too many children currently dread walking into class on a daily basis, which conditions their brain to think that school is negative when positvive learning should be promoted. Class discussion should be used in an elementary class as young as second grade. This is because the skill of communication is such an important aspect to everybodies life. Children need to master the skill of voicing their opinions and discussing topics with their peers and a young age.

       When I teach, I engage the children's minds in all areas possible. I want my class to be exciting, organized, and most importantly comfortable. Comfort is a big component in a classroom's success because allows the children to feel free to be themselves without holding back from embarassment or harrassment from other students. I think an organized room and organized thought helps children in their learning process. Organization leads to less confusion in the learners mind. Lastly, excitement is important for students to have when going to school. So much negativety is surrounding schools and education in general. Children are not excited to get up and go to school because of the attitudes that are exposed to the at such a young age.

       The way I was raised and educated have made me the person and the teacher I am today.
