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Event Planning

Event Planning in the Works

SEPTEMBER 12th - Brown Bag Meet and Greet

This is the first meeting of the FEMS group. Congratulations FEMS! It is going to be a pizza and ice cream social as well as a meet and greet.  At this meeting, we will be discussing future events and plans that the group will be a part of. We will also be having a discussion on what is feminist, what does it mean to the women at the meeting, what the big deal is, why does feminism matter, and so on.  See you all there!

SEPTEMBER 22nd- "Beauty, Barbie and Lies. Are We Hiding The Real Women or Are We Bringing Them Out?"

This is a films series showcasing youtube clips about beauty, health, and women.  Some of the clips will be from "Killing Us Softly 3," Marget Cho's "I Am The One That I Want," interviews from Eve Ensler, and more.  In between the clips and through out the showing there will be discussion points and facts to think about. 

Beauty is a huge topic in the United States and beyond.  Some questions to think about are do advertisements negatively effect women's self image? How did Barbie change the world? Is makeup the true oppressor?  How much pressure I put on to women to be thin, blonde and beauty? 


Nov.29th - Love Your Body Fashion Show and Clothing Drive

October 17th is National Love Your Body Day and to show our appreciation of our body, FEMS is putting on a Fashion Show.  This is open model casting for all SUU staff, faculty, and students.  The women will be walking down the catwalk in whatever fashion they want to show off their wonderful bodies and big hearts. 

This event is going to be an auction, where all the models will be given one white shirt to design, sew, cut up, color, dye, tie, and create whatever way they want. These shirts will be auctioned off to raise money for the SUU Center for Women and Families and FEMS. 

There will also be a clothing drive during the same time take will be donated to one of the local crisis centers or hospitals.   

And DON'T miss CWF's  "Walk A Mile in Her Shoes" on the 26th 




CWF is hosting Light Up The Night II- a concert of local bands and musicians to express songs and music against rape and violence.  1pm to Midnight.  $3 for SUU students, $4 for other college students with ID and $5 for the general public. In the Sharwan Smith Center.  Save the date!


NOVEMBER 6th thru the 10th-

CWF is putting on a Women's Empowerment Week.  Details to be announced.

NOVEMBER 3rd thru the 17th-


FEMS is hosting a Canned Food Drive for the local Crisis Centers. Boxes will be throughout campus.



Either FEMS will be hosting the first showing of the "Feminist" Interviews (interviews from across the campus and beyond capturing different peoples opinions about what feminism is and its role in today's society OR an AEROBIC striptease class.  "Sex up your workout."
Women and Nutrition Week starts the 19th so what better than fixing a healthy Meal for one of the local Centers and hosting a game nights for them as well. 
Also on the 22nd there will be a Self Defense Classes - 22nd
CONDOM WEEK and Sexual Health 5th - FEMS will be chairing an information table that week
A "Tickle Me Pink" Party - 23rd-
The Play "Be Heard"  and Interviews - 6th, 7th, 8th
Clothesline Project- 4th - The Clothesline Project (CLP) is a program started on Cape Cod, MA, in 1990 to address the issue of violence against women. It is a vehicle for women affected by violence to express their emotions by decorating a shirt. They then hang the shirt on a clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the problem of violence against women. For more information
PostSecret - 22nd - PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. The official website is . But SUU can have their own display on campus, students, staff, and faculty can create their own postsecrets on blank postcard size paper. It can be a drawing, a photo, newspaper cutouts, whatever they want to design it as, but it has to have a secret that they have never told anyone and NO NAMES! Completely confidential.