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Cal Poly Pomona

April 28th, 2005 - The API Theater Group Presents...


Bldg: 24 - Music Recital Hall - 4:00 - 6:00pm

The university will greatly benefit from this program as it provides the opportunity for any student to participate in expressing their views and diverse perspectives through this cultural art in performing before an audience without the necessity of skillfully being talented. The students themselves (whether the audience or performers) will obtain a better understanding of where each individual is grounded from as far as seeing through the color of one’s skin and learning each other’s backgrounds, culture, and political views to raise consciousness and awareness within our campus to the community.  Since API Theater Groups inception in 1999, students return from the Spring Production feeling extra confident and aware of tackling the everyday struggles and challenges that either one or many others face locally and internationally. Thus, this program continues to help college students personally grow from discovering one’s own strengths and weaknesses over various identities of oneself.


The purpose of the Asian and Pacific Islander Theater Group production is to alternatively perform various expressions of social justice issues, education, and knowledge on stage through monologues, short skits, poetry, music and the like thus simulating open dialogues and discussions of the art piece that each performer addresses each Spring. The performers write their own work and diligently practice twice a week to create an effective demonstration of expressing their concern or issues through improvisations, pantomimes and various scenarios. The goal of the API Theater Group Production is to provide the audience stirring concepts of what the performers are portraying and critically think why the focus is on such topics.
