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The Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) was originally formed on the idea of uniting individuals with a common interest in education, social involvement and cultural development of the Vietnamese community.


                                                        OUR MISSION: 

   VSA at California State University of Long Beach hopes to revive and strengthen the club through many aspects. Our goal is to promote the awareness of the Vietnamese culture among students at the university as well as the people in the community. In addition, VSA wants to provide a flourishing environment where students can support one another within the club and among the VSA alliance network in terms of education and careers.

VSA sincerely invites and encourages everyone to come join us in promoting the Vietnamese culture. We hope that you will take the initiative to participate in an organization that wishes to truly make a difference in the lives of those who surround us, as well as ourselves. Collectively we can make a big impact on the Vietnamese community and we welcome all individuals who share the same view.


  Within our organization at CSULB, we have striven to strengthen the bond between members and friends through numerous social activities; these activities consist of field trips, community support programs, sports, camping and fundraising.

                                                                                               CSULB Annual Culture Night:

  Fundraising, community service, and carefully planned events all lead to our biggest event of the year: Culture Night. This is an annual event that we hold to show the general public what VSA at Long Beach is all about.

The show program includes traditional and modern dance performances, traditional and modern fashion shows, individual talent showcases, and entertaining skits pertaining to our culture.

In putting the show together, students learn the importance of teamwork, leadership, and communication. In addition, students are able to gain experience through organizing and participating in such an enormous event. Culture night is an opportunity for students to exhibit their talents, creativity, and originality.

                                                                                                                  VSA Alliance: 

  We seek to expand our horizon through collaboration with the VSA alliance, which consists of 10 other universities around Southern California. Attending events with the VSA alliance allows us to continuously try to improve the relationship among all schools.








- Cal Poly Pomona



The Southern California Union of Vietnamese Student Association (UVSA) is also part of the alliance.

For website links of UVSA and the other universities in the alliance, please visit the links page.


Awards & Recognitions

2003-2004 VSA Of The Year

2003-2004 Most Dramatic Culture Night

2003-2004 Member Of The Year - Susan Thai

2002-2003 VSA Of The Year

2002-2003 Member Of The Year - David Le

2003 ICC B-Ball Tournament Champions

2003 A3M Spirit Of Hope Award