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GE151 Section I's Website


Welcome to the Website for our course--

GE151 Section I


Week 11 Update

PowerPoint presentations due today.

For full credit, you must be present in class and deliver your presentation, your notes, your rubric (I will distribute this), and you must e-mail a copy of your PPT file to me during class.

Have a magnificent holiday!



















Week 6 Update

Please remember to bring both your textbook and the training disc that came with it. If your disk is missing, check the plastic shelf on the left wall near the board at the front of the room. You may have left it behind.


Please visit the link to "SHARED DOCUMENTS" AT LEFT above so that you can share documents and participate in other functions. This website will enable us to e-mail one another during and outside of class. Important announcements will be posted here to help you progress in this class during the Fall 2008 Quarter at AINYC.

