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Meaningful Topics I Learned in CISB 11
            During the nine-week duration of the CISB 11 class, I learned several new and different concepts about computers and computer information systems.  Some of the topics that really stick out in my mind are how computers affect my life, how to make and use spreadsheets and databases, what kinds of secondary storage is available, and which types of printers are available.
            Before this class, I never realized exactly how much computers affect my life. My day would not run quite as smooth as it does if there were no computers. Everything that I use on a daily basis runs on computers. After researching how much society is dependent on computers, it makes me very aware of the different functions available. From the electric toothbrush that I use each day, to the water I drink, from the engine in my truck, to the street lights I pass by each day, computers are a very large part of my life. As an air traffic controller, computers are going to be my life. Without computers, it would be impossible to control air traffic. 
            Learning how to create spreadsheets and databases was a very helpful topic. Spreadsheets can be such a useful and helpful tool. There are several different professions that benefit greatly from them. Not only are spreadsheets helpful in the workplace but they can be very beneficial in the home as well. Spreadsheets can make it easy to track different expenditures from month to month, to track chores and home improvement projects. Spreadsheets are a great way to budget for different things such as vacations or special events. Spreadsheets can be used in many different ways and are very helpful with different projects.
            During this class, I learned that there are many different types of secondary storage available. I had no idea that there are so many offered. I was unaware of the different sizes of hard drives and flash drives. At the beginning, I thought that when you bought a flash drive, you just went and bought one. I did not realize that you would have to know how much storage you would need and then try to differentiate between the different brands to find one that is the most efficient.
            The section on the different types of printers was also very helpful for me. I learned about the memory available and the speed of different printers. After researching many different brands, I could eventually differentiate between what would be a reasonable speed and memory. For a personal use 4-in-1, I would not need a fax machine with a memory that could hold 100 pages. I just would never get that many faxes in a period where I could not check them. Now, at an air traffic control facility, it may be very important to have a fax machine with the capability of holding 100 pages in memory.
            This class was a great help to me. I feel that I learned several different aspects of computer information systems I was not aware of.  The CISB 11 class was very helpful and I could see exactly how important computers and computer information systems are in my life, in my future, and in my career.  