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iRubric: Police Report rubric

iRubric: Police Report rubric

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Police Report 
Write a police report about the domestic scenario
Rubric Code: B2W57WC
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Public Rubric
Subject: Law  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Areas
  Excellent 10 pts

10 pts

Good 8 pts

8 pts

Average 6 pts

6 pts

Below Average 4 pts

4 pts

Inadequate/Nonexistant 2 pts

2 pts

Total Score


Report Structure

The completed report accurately provides the prospective of each character. (Answers the questions of who, what, when, where and how.)

Excellent 10 pts

- Reports and forms show the student has put a great deal of thought into what he/she writes. Answers all five questions and provides a realistic account from all characters.
- The ideas are complex and written out.
- Understands the importance of an accurate police report.
Good 8 pts

- Reports and forms are good and show the writer is thinking deeply about the topic and attempting to push toward more advanced ways of approaching the topic. Answers four out of five questions and provides a detailed account of each character.
Average 6 pts

Provided basic information of character accounts and provided answers to three out of five questions.
Below Average 4 pts

- Entry feels rushed and lacks much depth of thought
Provided abbreviated accounts from characters and failed to fully answer each question.
Inadequate/Nonexistant 2 pts

- Entry is simplistic and is a surface-level interpretation of the topic
Duplicated accounts from each character and failed to answer questions relevent to the elements of the crime.
Total Score

Reports and supporting documents contain correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Excellent 10 pts

The entry does not contain any spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
Good 8 pts

The entry contains 1-3 spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
Average 6 pts

The entry contains 4-6 spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
Below Average 4 pts

The entry contains 7-9 spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
Inadequate/Nonexistant 2 pts

The entry contains 10 or more spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
Total Score

Narrative report is written as a chronological sequence of events and references each supporting issue

(1) Arrival
(2) Gathering of information
(3) Observing evidence
(4) Determination of aggressor and sentence describing such
(5) Arrest procedures
(6) Search and taking to jail

Excellent 10 pts

Contains all 6 elements.
- Great support with no repetition or redundancy
- Long enough to clearly answer the prompt/reflect on the material
- Clear and easily understood by reader
Good 8 pts

Contains 5 elements.
Good support with no repetition or redundancy
- Long enough to answer the prompt/reflect on the material
- Clear and easily understood by reader
- Vocabulary appropriate for grade level
Average 6 pts

Contains 4 elements.
Minimal support with no repetition or redundancy
- Barely long enough to answer the prompt/reflect on the material
- Clear but not easily understood by reader
- Minimal sentence variety
Below Average 4 pts

Contains 3 elements.
Lacking support with repetition and/or redundancy
- Not long enough to answer the prompt/reflect on the material
- Not easily understood by reader
- Lacking sentence variety
Inadequate/Nonexistant 2 pts

Contains less than 3 elements.
No support; repetition and/or redundancy found
-Does not answer the prompt/reflect on the material
Total Score
Completed Report

Report is clear, concise and captures all pertinant facts.

Excellent 10 pts

Detailed police report. Has all pertinent information/evidence listed as well as statements made by both involved subjects and witness.
Good 8 pts

Mostly detailed with most information listed as well as statements made by at least 2 of the involved parties.
Average 6 pts

Sufficient amount of information contained in report with statements made by at least 1 of the involved parties.
Below Average 4 pts

Report does not contain enough information. Statements are made, but the report lacks critical details.
Inadequate/Nonexistant 2 pts

Report consists of narrative only and no supporting witness/suspect statements. Has no supporting evidence reports. No detailed information exists within body of report.
Total Score

  • CJ


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