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iRubric: Benchmark/ Final Project rubric

iRubric: Benchmark/ Final Project rubric

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Benchmark/ Final Project 
I will use this rubric to grade my students' work on their benchmark and final project in all my science classes. Students will have chosen a topic and project style to be graded during benchmark and finals week.
Rubric Code: UX84B9A
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Project Grade
100% possible
  Excellent (A)

Above & Beyond, Exceeds Expectations. Wow!!!

4 pts

Good (B)

Partially Exceeds Expectations. Great!

3 pts

Fair (C)

Meets Expectations. You got it!

2 pts

Poor (D/F)

Does Not Meet Expectations.

1 pts

40 %

Wikipedia is not all-knowing! In fact, if Wikipedia is your only source, then you're in trouble!

Excellent (A)

- All information is correct. Most information is gathered from reputable sources outside of class.

- Student clearly searched for new information from excellent resources.

- They clearly have a deep understanding of all facets of their topic.
Good (B)

- All information is correct, including info not covered in class.

- Project contains some content from class, but most from other sources.

- Student clearly searched for new information from good resources.

- They can answer all questions well and have a good understanding of their topic
Fair (C)

- All information is correct, some content comes from textbook or other sources.

- Student can answer some basic questions and has a basic understanding of their topic.
Poor (D/F)

- Contains some correct information but didn't branch out to search for new information.

- The student knows very little about their topic and has a difficult time answering teacher questions.
Time Management
10 %

Use it wisely... I'm watching you!
You will have time to work during class, so don't blow it off.

Excellent (A)

- Time was managed well and student was always on task.

- When distractions occurred, student refocused quickly.

- Student clearly worked very hard outside of class as well.
Good (B)

- Time was managed well and student was always on task.

- When distractions occurred, student refocused quickly.
Fair (C)

- Most of the time was managed well, but distractions occurred now and then.
- Student was able to refocus well.
Poor (D/F)

- Some of the time was managed well, but distractions occurred

- Student had a difficult time redirecting
themselves & getting back on task.
30 %

Make the project your own! You don't have to be Van Gogh, but you do have to be original!
I don't want to see the "same-old" presentation of info.

Excellent (A)

- Excellent incorporation of multiple ideas, all are well-related and tied together.

- Original and broad use of materials that are eye-catching.

- Keeps audience fully engaged.
Good (B)

- Excellent incorporation of multiple ideas.

- Original and broad use of materials that is eye-catching.

- Student uses specific ideas to come up with a clever way to present information.
Fair (C)

- Unique idea that is eye-catching and utilizes specific talents.

- Student takes a basic idea and makes it their own.
Poor (D/F)

- Some evidence of original thinking.

- Slightly modified a basic concept or idea.
Use of various materials
15 %

This is a project that YOU create...NOT COPY.

Excellent (A)

-ALL parts of the project are LABELED and DEFINED

- The project is well-organized and visuals are strong.

- The project is easy to understand and promotes deeper understanding of the topic.
Good (B)

-MOST parts of the project are LABELED and DEFINED.

- Use of media is great
- Project is well-organized and visuals are strong.

-Visuals add to the quality of the project instead of detract.
Fair (C)

-PARTS of the project are LABELED and DEFINED.

-project is organized and visuals are adequate.

- Some effort is made to produce a quality video/movie.
Poor (D/F)

-SOME/NONE of the project is LABELED and DEFINED.

-Attempted the use of materials, but many parts are lacking in quality.

- Weak effort is made.
Citations Page
5 %

Son of a Citation Machine, OWL@Perdue, Your English teacher, etc... figure out how to do them CORRECTLY.

Excellent (A)

- Student includes citations beyond the required amount (3+).

- All are formatted correctly.
Good (B)

- Student has included the required number of citations (3+)

- All are formatted correctly.
Fair (C)

- Student does not have the required number of citations(3+)

- Most are formatted correctly.
Poor (D/F)

- Student has very few citations .

- Most are formatted incorrectly.

  • science biology project high school



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