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iRubric: Administrative Interview Rubric

iRubric: Administrative Interview Rubric

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Administrative Interview Rubric 
A rubric for the evaluaton of asst prinicpal candidates
Rubric Code: UX5A9C2
Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: K-5

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  Below Standard

1 pts

Meets Standard

2 pts

Above Standard

3 pts


4 pts

Academic Practices

How have you supported teachers in developing an innovative teaching practice, learning model, or curriculum development to help improve student achievement as it relates to the Common Core State Standards.

Below Standard

Description of instructional practices focuses on minimum improvement of student achievement. Limited knowledge of CCSSs.
Meets Standard

Descripiton of instructional practices reflect minimum knowledge of curriculum alignment. rigorous lessons, and increased student achievement. Has knowledge of the CCSSs.
Above Standard

Descripiton of instructional practices reflect strong knowledge about curriculum alignment. rigorous lessons, and increasing student achievement. Communicates strong knowledge of the CCSSs.

Descripiton of instructional practices reflect evidence of research-based strategies on how to provide assistance to teachers in curriculum alignment. creating rigorous lessons, and increasing student achievement. Communicates strong knowledge in alignment with CCSSs.
Leadership Skills

What are your three best leadership qualities? Describe a scenario where one of these qualities was exemplified in your practice.

Below Standard

Candidate does not have a strong sense of leadership style. Scenario described required a minimal leadership skill.
Meets Standard

Candidate has a sense of individual leadership style. Scenario described required a leadership skill.
Above Standard

Candidate has a strong sense of individual leadership style. Scenario described required at least 2 types of leadership skills.

Candidate clearly communicates a strong sense of self and individual leadership style. Scenario described required multiple types of leadership skills.
Parental Involvement

What is your vision for parental involvement in the school and what steps will you take to promote/achieve this vision?

Below Standard

Does not clearly state vision and how to promote the importance of parental involvement.
Meets Standard

clearly states vision and states 1 or 2 ways to promote the importance of parental involvement.
Above Standard

Clearly states vision and provides evidence of activities to communicate importance to all stakeholders.

Clearly states vision about parental involvement and provides evidence of activities to communicate importance to all stakeholders. Aligns the importance to State Evaluation System.
Special Education

What would an effective RTI program look like in your school? How would it be managed?

Below Standard

Candidate does not clearly state what RTI is and how it would be managed.
Meets Standard

Candidate states what RTI is and gives 1 or 2 ways in how the RTI can be managed.
Above Standard

Candidate clearly states what RTI is and provides evidence of how RTI can be managed.

Candidate clearly states what RTI is provides evidence of how RTI intervention. Candidate provides evidence of how RTI can be managed.
Discipline/Safety, Security

While the principal is attending a meeting off campus, two 5th grade students are brought to the office for fighting; a second grader has scratched her arm on the playground <BR>
equipment and is bleeding; and 3C is fifteen minutes late to lunch. Describe how you would handle the situations?

Below Standard

Has difficulty implementing the Student Code of Conduct. Limited knowledge about safety/security procedures at school.
Meets Standard

Describes in hiearchial level of urgency how each situation will be addressed.
Above Standard

Describes in hiearchial level of urgency how each situation will be addressed. Consistently monitoring all situations.

Describes in hiearchial level of urgency how each situation will be addressed. Monitiors situations, contacts parents and maintains the discipline, safe/secure school environment.
Academic Improvement

Describe how you would use student assessment data and teacher evaluation data to increase student achievement.

Below Standard

Limited knowledge about data tools and analysis and PDAS teacher evaluation instrument.
Meets Standard

Discusses 1 or 2 strategies for providing coaching to teachers in need and is limited in analyzing student data.
Above Standard

Discusses multiple strategies for providing coaching to teachers. Creates plan of action with<BR>
teachers to improve instruction and increase student achievement.

Discusses multiple strategies for providing coaching to teachers. Creates plan of action with<BR>
teachers to improve instruction and increase student achievement. Model instruction strategies

Why do you want to be considered for this position?

Below Standard

Just wanted a different position
Meets Standard

Desire to move to another level in education to promote student success
Above Standard

Communicates reason in detailed, articulated, professional manner. Elaboarates on their goals and philosphies of student success.

Communicates reason in detailed, articulated, professional manner. Elaboarates on their goals and philosphies of student success.Shares goals and aspirations for the future in education.

  • Interview



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