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iRubric: Paper Bag Literature Report rubric

iRubric: Paper Bag Literature Report rubric

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Paper Bag Literature Report 
Create a paper bag designed with all the literary terms and Freytag pryramid. Also, students must find symbolic representations of the characters, conflict, and theme.
Rubric Code: S82ABA
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Book Bag Report

4 pts

3 pts

2 pts

1 pts

0 pts



Includes an exemplary illustration of the Freytag pyramid, expertly identifying all parts of the story's plot. The title of the book, and the author's name are all included and placed vividly and creatively on the bag.

Includes a mostly accurate illustration of the Freytag pyramid identifying all parts of the story's plot. The title of the book and author are neatly placed on the bag.

Includes a Freytag pyramid illustration but a few errors are present in terms of the story's plot. Title of the book and author are present but could be placed in a more creative and/or noticeable way.

Includes a Freytag pyramid but there are many inaccuracies in term of plot. Title and/or author may be missing or not noticeable.

Insufficent amount of work is available to grade. another possibility is that there are too may errors are requirements missing.
Back- Important Part


Literary terms are accurate, therefore indicating a careful reading and understanding of the story. In addition, the literary terms are creatively and neatly placed on the bag.

Literary terms are mostly accurate, therefore indicating a basic understanding of the story. In addition, the literary terms are neatly placed on the bag and noticeable.

Literary terms are present but contain several errors, therefore indication a fair understanding of the story and/or the story needed to be read more carefully. Another problem or in addition to, is that the literary terms are sloppy and/or not noticeable on the bag.

Literary terms contain many errors, indication a limited understanding of the story. Also, the literary terms are sloppy and/or not very noticeable.

Insufficent amount of work is available to grade. Many errors are present.
Side 1 Thematic statement.


The chosen theme and thematic statement is exemplary and shows a deep understanding of the story. Chosen quote expertly supports thematic statement.

The chosen theme and thematic statement is accurate and shows a basic understanding of the story. Chosen quote supports thematic statement.

Chosen theme and thematic statement may be awardly written or not completely accurate. Another issue or in addition, is that the supporting quote has somewhat what of a connection to the theme.

Chosen theme and thematic statement has little connection to the story. Supporting quote has little to no connection to the chosen theme and thematic statement.

Insufficent amount of work is available to grade
Side 2 Problem


Conflict is accurately and expertly explained. There are supporting examples and quotes.

Conflict is accurately explained with supporting details and quotes.

Conflict may be somewhat inaccurate, with errors in the details and quotes.

The conflict is not stated and/or is not supported by details or examples from the book.

Insufficient amount of work is available to grade


The paper bag has no distracting errors, corrections or erasures and is easily read. It appears the student went above the expectations with time and effort.

The paper bag has almost no distracting errors, corrections or erasures and is easily read. It appears that the student followed the basic guidelines for completion.

The paper bag is fairly readable but the quality is not their personal best. The student did not demonstrate appropriate time and effort for completion.

The paper bag is poorly put together and is difficult to read. The quality is not the student's personal best.

Insufficient amount of work is available to grade.
Oral Report


Information from the front & back of the bag, characters and detailed summary with conflicts is included. Items inside the bag were useful and relevant to the book.

Information from the front & back of the bag, characters and summary with some details and conflicts are included. Most of the items were useful and relevant to the book.

Some information from the bag is used and summary is not well detailed, not all conflicts were included. Some items were useful and/or relevant to the book.

Little information from the bag is included, summary is brief, only one conflict identified. Few items useful or not relevant.

Insufficient amount of work is available to grade.


Excellent job with chosen symbols. All symbols are connecting with the story in terms of characters and/or theme and conflict.

Good job with symbols. All symbols are basically connected to the story in terms of characters and/or theme and conflict.

Fair job with symbols. Some symbols are connected to the story while others seem to have a minimal connection to the story in terms of characters and/or theme and conflict.

Objects chosen for symbolic represented have little to no connection to the story's character, themes and/or conflict

Many errors are present or requirements missing.
Group Work


The group worked together very well. Class time was used widely and members were on task at all times. All members contributed and project was ready on time.

The group did a good job working together. Class time was used wisely for the majority of the times and group members remained on task for most of the time. All members contributed and project was ready on time.

The group only somewhat worked well together. Class time was not always used wisely and member were off task at several points.. Some members did worked while others minimally contributed. Project was not completely ready on time.

The group did not work well together. Class time was used for other things rather than the projects. Many times, the group was off task. Project was not ready on time, with many parts of the project not completed.

The group did not work well together. At many points students were off task and class time was not used efficiently. The project was not ready with many requirements missing.

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