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1 rubric American History Project-Art Portion       popup preview  
People often express their feelings about historical issues or events through artwork such as songs, novels, short stories, paintings, sculptures and movies. A large portion of your American History Project will consist of one of two art related topics: 1. You will choose a work of art which someone else has created to interpret an event or issue in American history. You will research the event or issue related to the artwork then analyze the artist's interpretation of the the event or issue through their artwork. 2. You will create your own work of art which is your interpretation of an event or issue in American history. You will research the event or issue, come up with your own interpretation of the event or issue then express that interpretation in a work of art of your own in any medium you choose. Be prepared to answer questions about your chosen artwork from the class or the teacher.

Grade levels:   N/A
2 rubric Artistic Expression       popup preview  
Students will express a thought or a concept through the use of art as a medium of communication. They will choose the medium that best displays their message.

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Artistic Persepctive of Global Issues       popup preview  
Students were to choose an art medium of their choice (song, poem, visual art, etc.) addressing a global issue of interest to them. Write a one page analysis including: interpret the medium - what is the purpose? how does the medium convey the message? how successful is this medium in achieving its goals? Creator of the medium: Who created it? What perspective does it convey? Why did the author present this perspective? Personal reflection: Why did you choose this piece? Did the analysis change your perspective?

Grade levels:   9-12  

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