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Nicole Green's
First Year Experience ePortfolio



Task: Creating an ePortfolio

This ePortfolio has helped me stay organized during my first year. It is home to some of my achievements, so I am glad that I get to keep it forever. An ePortfolio (Electronic Portfolio) is a collection of your work (artifacts and reflections) in electronic format, managed by you, and usually kept online. Students can use their ePortfolio as a record of their learning with evidence of achievements. They can also build career ePortfolios to help them collect and manage artifacts related to their future career goals. Faculty ePortfolios usually include their curriculum vitae, areas of research and achievements, and related artifacts.


Task: Psychology Final


Studing Dissociative Identity Disorder was disturbing but fascinating. Treatment of DID may attempt to reconnect the identities of disparate alters into a single functioning identity. In addition or instead, treatment may focus on symptoms, to relieve the distressing aspects of the condition and ensure the safety of the individual. he DSM does not provide an estimate of incidence; however the number of diagnoses of this condition has risen sharply.



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