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Nicole Green's Academy of Art e-Portfolio


Home Exam

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Final Project
This is my final project for my High School Art101 Class

Final Painting: The Pond

Techniques Used



Opaque watercolors and the technique of painting with such colors using white to make tints.


A manner of painting where the paint is laid on thickly so texture stands out in relief.


Small areas on a painting or drawing on which reflected light is the brightest.


Impressionism is referred to as the most important art movement of the 19th century. The term impressionism came from a painting by Claude Monet. His painting was titled Impression Sunrise. Impressionism is about capturing fast fleeting moments with color, light, and surface.


An art and design principle concerned with the arrangement of one or more elements in a work of art so that they appear symmetrical (even) or asymmetrical (uneven) in design and proportion.




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