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Sarah's Journey



   My short term goals for this year deal mainly with school. My main goal and most important is to keep my scholarships for next year by keeping atleast a 3.0 grade point average. Another goal is to have nothing less than a "B" in each of my classes. So far this has been a hard goal to maintain because of the time that each class requires in order to do well. With school and work it is harder to balance them. With that being said, another one of my goals is to keep a well balanced schedule and not letting myself carry too much that begins affecting my grades and school work. In order to have a balanced schedule, I think I need to make more time for studying and less time going out and spending time with friends. Other than school, I have some other personal short term goals. I have noticed that I don't exercise as much as I used to and have gotten out of shape. I would like to exercise every day for 32 days in order to start habbit that will stick. I think being healthier will help me to deal with stress better and my overall health.

   My list for long term goals have grown over the past semester, especially when I begin to think about what I want to have accomplished in the next couple of years. My first long term goal is to graduate from Tri-County Technical College with my Associates of Science degree. Then I want to transfer to Clemson University where I'll complete my Bachelorettes degree in Management. With my management degree, I then wish to pursue a career in Public Relations Management. While in Clemson I hope to get an internship with a company that will help open the doors for job opportunities once I graduate. Two years after graduating from Clemson and finding a well paid job I hope to get married and start a family. On the side of my public relations career, I would like to buy houses and lease them out as another source of income. I hope to be very successful in business and in my career.
