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English 101


ENG 101

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          English 101 teaches students how to effectively write well-written college essays and research papers. During this course students will write three essays and one research paper. Students will also be required to design their own e-portfolio and write several reading response journals. With each essay that is written the student gains the knowledge and experience of writting a college essay. English 101 is a course that is required by just about every major. This course is also needed to proceed to ENG 102, and to transfer to a 4-year college or university. 



                 This is a picture of the three Christian crosses on a beach, during sunset. The cross in the middle is the biggest and represents Jesus Christ. The two crosses on both sides of the middle one represent the two men that were crucified on the same day Jesus was. The sun looks as if it's about to plunge into the ocean. The colors the sun is giving off are extremely beautiful. The waves are calm at this point, and all the attention is directed toward the crosses while the sun sinks below the water and the day comes to an end. The whole world seems to be at peace during this moment in time.

          The picture best represents me because it has the Christian Cross in the middle of the photo, and the Christian faith is a strong part of my life and right in the middle of everything. I also love the beach because its a place where all your troubles can just disappear. I am a lot like the waves in the way that they can be calm but can also be rough. When I am focused on God I am calm and all is at peace in my heart, a lot like the way the waves are calm in this photo with the crosses up front and in the middle of the photo. My personality is like the ocean too in the way that I am calm and usually relaxed but I also know when to have a good time. I also really like the colors in this photo because my favorite colors are pink, orange, purple, and blue.


One of the essays I wrote for English 101 was The Effects of Hurricane Katrina. Click Here to view this essay.


         When brainstorming and creating the outline for this essay I really nervous and had a hard time with it because this was my first English 101 essay. However, I found it much easier once I started writing the paper. I chose Hurricane Katrina as my topic because we were not allowed to do any research for this paper, therefore I needed to pick a topic that I had some knowledge about. I went to New Orleans my junior year in high school and I learned a lot about the effects of Hurricane Katrina. I also got to see a lot of the damages from Hurricane Katrina. When I got my essay back I saw that I had made a B-. I was so happy that I made a B on my first college essay. As I looked through my paper I saw that I made a lot of comma mistakes throughout the essay. I knew right then that I had trouble with commas, and I have been working on them all semester. On the other hand, my teacher told me that the overall content of my essay was very good and that I had done a great job.
