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English 101 Portfolio


English 101

English 101 is an extensive study of grammar and writing skills. In this course we study how to effectively write and create essays and other works. We use our journals, papers, and other assignments to put our writing skills to use and also tie in what we have learned in class. This course helps to enhance our writing for any kind of style or situation.





In this image there is a mermaid and several fish in the ocean. She has long beautiful hair and a green tail. The colors are vivid, but also have a watered down appearance. The fish are yellow and orange. There are also marine plants and shells. She is swimming in the ocean and it looks like she sees something just ahead. There is light peering down from the sky.


This image represents me, firstly, because I love the ocean and I love marine life. This image is also a good representation because mermaids are mythically said to be creative and sensitive creatures. I feel like I am both of those qualities. Also, mermaids are misunderstood or stereotyped ,even though they are fictional, and I feel like sometimes I am treated in the same manner. Also it is popular belief that mermaids are beautiful singers and I love to sing. I also see this image as representing that there is something mysterious and amazing ahead in the future. It looks like she sees something that she is curious in that could change her whole outlook on life. I think that, that is what is happening to me in this phase of my life right now, and I share her curiosity


Click here for my English 101 essay!



By writing this paper I have gained valuable information about how to write a compare contrast essay. I learned that there are different techniques for writing a compare contrast essay, and how to execute it correctly. However, I also learned that sometimes I do not effectively write and it is not always as good as it could be. This knowledge has helped me to move forward though. I have also learned, by writing this paper how to flow through an essay without confusing the audience. I think that the good points of this paper is that it has transition between points, it is clear and concise, and that there are no pointless tangents. There are also some negative points which would be the grammatical errors and that a lot of the same words and ideas keep getting reinstated and repetitive. I think that in the future I can revise the paper more and try to be creative with my word choice to improve it.

