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English 101 Portfolio


~Col 105~

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Description of College 105:

     College 105 is a very interactive course that teaches you what you need to know to be successful in college.  You are put in a success team and have some group assignments to do.  There are many interactive in-class activities which keep the class interesting and many assignments to do outside of class, including interviews, written assignments, campus activities and workshops, journals, and many more.  I think the main purpose of the class is to help you understand yourself and your learning abilities and how to apply that to your classes to make learning as easy as possible.  Some of the activities also help you learn your way around campus so if you have any problems you know where to go for help.



Following are descriptions and reflections of two events that I was a part of as a result of College 105.


Diversity Workshop:

     The diversity workshop is an event that opens your eyes to how diverse the US really is.  It is an interactive workshop that teaches about different cultures and demsonstrates how even though many people look similar we are all from different backgrounds and unique in our own way.  They ask many questions about race, ethnicity, families, beliefs, etc, and whoever is in the group they mention stands up.  It is a quick way to show all the differences and similarities in a group of people.  Then we split up and did one on one exercises with other people in the class.  First getting to know one another, then talking to complete strangers about our first feelings or thoughts when we hear a certain word.




     Thinking back on the diversity workshop I think the thing that stands out the most to me is how many different ethnicities were represented in a room of about 40-50 people.  It really goes to show that we really live in a diverse country and have no right to discriminate in any way because no one is any better than anyone else.  In fact someone may look exactly like you do but may be half spanish or be a muslim or some other group that is sometimes discriminated against.  They should be proud of their background and feel free to let people know who they are or what they believe rather than fear discrimination if who they really are is revealed.





Veteran's Day:

     TCTC held a short memorial service at 11:00a.m. on Veteran's Day, Nov 11, 2008.  TCTC was the first technical college in South Carolina to build a memorial for the veterans of Vietnam, and they laid a wreath on the memorial during the ceremony.  Captain Phillip B. Piazza, a World War II veteran and a member of the Ranger Hall of Fame, also gave a heartfelt speech.




     My family is not a military family and I had never really been to a memorial service like that before.  It was a good reminder to me of all the people who have served our country, and have given their lives for the freedom we enjoy in the United States.  As a part of earning credit for this event in Col 105, I went with three other students to a mobile wall replica of the Vietnam memorial in Washington D.C.  I've actually had the privelege of seeing the actual memorial in Washington, but once again it just blew me away the amount of names that are on that memorial of the people who lost their lives defending our country.  The saddest part of it all is that many of them that survived and came back to America were not viewed as heroes but were rejected by the American people.  It's just unbelieveable that people could treat them like this after everything they gave up for their country.
