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On July 12, 2007 Ashley and I presented the junior sonography class with their own copies of the Normal Anatomy Notebooks and displayed our Normal Anatomy Games.

Presenting our "Who Wants To Be A Sonographer?" game to the Junior Sonography Class.
(Courtesy of Ashley Dobos)

Junior class finished answering a few questions and answered their first wrong answer.
(Courtesy of Ashley Dobos)

Jennifer opening the game and is waiting for the game to load.
(Courtesy of Ashley Dobos)

Ashley reading the question to the class.
(Courtesy of Ashley Dobos)

Ashley giving the Juniors a round of applause for working together to answer the question at hand correctly.
(Courtesy of Ashley Dobos)


Videos of Our Presentations:

    The following are clips of our presentation with the Junior Sonography class on July 12, 2007. It features Jennifer and Ashley interacting with the class and having the class answer the questions from the game.

Please click on the play button to play any of the video footage.


(Courtesy of Jennifer Zhang)               


