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    Professional Teaching Portfolio


Marc Castera 

I Believe statement

I believe
     As a teacher in the Florida Educational System, I have no doubt that my class room, just like every other classroom in the mainstream of American school System will be a little community of both ordinary and extra-ordinary individuals.
     As a teacher, I expect my students to be diverse in ethnicity and cultural background. I expect them to be individuals from every level of the socio-economic spectrum. But as student of my classroom, they will share one thing in common; they will  agree to come together as one American voice to share the fruits that I will design my classroom to offer and that is the fruit of education.
     As a teacher, I expect cultural barrier and their social problems to be at different level while their anxieties challenge even their ability to learn; but I have a job to do.
     As a teacher in the Florida Educational System, my role is to rise above all the obstacles, regardless the nature or scope of it, and gather the resources that are available to me to bring them to achieve the education that my role demands of me.
     As a teacher, it is my role to minimize their anxieties, motivate them learn while I build my students? confidence through effective strategies and instructional material.
     As a teacher in the Florida Educational System, from my little classroom community indeed, I will build an effective environment that will help prepare my diverse students for the greater and diverse community that awaits them in the future without infringing their ethnic, cultural or traditional values.
     As a teacher, my role is to teach them learn and sing the American anthem in one voice regardless their accent.