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Armstrong Atlantic State University

Ultrasound Program     

Reflective Statements

    Reflective Statements:

Kacey Morrison's Reflective Comments:   

    At the beginning of the leadership course, I did not know the true meaning of a leader.  I thought it was just someone who took initiative or made good grades.  I did not realize that a leader could possess so many wonderful qualities.  I realized throughout the duration of this course that I possess many of these qualities.  I always knew some things about myself such as being kind and respectful.  I did not realize that I hold the power to be a great leader.  I have been taught that leadership can be aquired and skilled.  I have worked on my leadership skills during this course by completing many assignments that I did not realize would make me think so much.  I saw the things that I need to improve on and have learned the things I already possess and was just unaware of.  After completion of this course, I feel that I am a much stronger leader and will work on the things I need to in order to become a more successful leader now and in the future.  I really enjoyed this course and feel much more confident about my future as a healthcare professional. 

Sabrina Tucker's Reflective Comments:

    When I began taking this leadership course, I did not realize how many leadership skills I already possessed. Throughout my years of education, I have always been the one in the group that takes charge and delegates others, but I never really understood that there were so many different aspects to leadership until I took this leadership course.  I have become highly educated about my leadership style by evaluating myself with Kouzes and Posner's Student Leadership Practices Inventory.  This inventory helped me realize that although I possess many great leadership qualities, I have many qualities that I need to improve on.  In addition, I will always need to be continuing my education and practicing my leadership style to become the leader that I aspire to be one day.  After taking this course, I have learned that a leader must value dedication, communication, compromise, loyalty, responsibility, and competition.  These values have helped me become a better leader to my sonography class in the AASU program.  I hope to use all of my leadership skills that I have learned throughout this course to succeed as a healthcare professional.

     Our Reflective Statements

    Our plan is to use our basic knowledge of ultrasound and interviews of several sonographers to recruit prospects for the ultrasound program.  In addition, we want to inform the students on how to become accepted into the program and what the program entails.  We are creating a brochure and E-portfolio for students to better understand ultrasound and the AASU program.  We believe that this four year program has a lot to offer and will educate possible students to become highly skilled diagnostic medical sonographers.  This process has taught us about the many different career opportunities available to us after we graduate and how to interest others in the field of sonography. 
