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CActivist's Website

About Me

A lot about me...

Theology, social activism, meditation, yoga, nature, the imposition of consumeristic ideologies on our approach to certain theologies and countries, my friends' and family's well-being, the latest art studies and findings, the adversarial politics of Jesus to the empire, photography, poetry, deciding what I can and can't do, nature, travel, reading, people in general, chatting about journeys, life, God, ect. I like to engage in deep conversations about personal convictions, beliefs, ideas and fearlessly and lovingly exploring personal differences, simultaneously challenging and being challenged. I love to get "lost" in philosophy and indirectly propose questions which effect the world. I love meeting people with a vivid imagination and sensitivity towards the world as a whole. I believe people's eyes tell their whole story. I love kids--more than anything else in the world. I am considered liberal, however some beliefs inpose a more conservative nature.  I dare to dream and want fantasy to become reality. I daydream and get caught up in the moment. Labyrinths are second nature to me. I love smiling, laughing, & being happy, my daily dose of coffee, trying new things, going for walks, teaching, singing all the words to songs, figuring out what I've been craving, spontaneous adventures, sweatpants & flip-flops, saving the world, San Diego, fireworks in summer, being told that I'll like something, pillows, my dorky family and their "weird" traditions, sports, cooking, sunsets, Berkeley, bible study when it existed, reality tv, music of all sorts, making agendas and helping all I can.

