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O'Keeffe Activities

O"Keeffe Activities





Reading sequence activitity

  • Hand out cut up copies of biography 
  • Students can work in groups or individually.Students will read each paragraph and then place them in sequential order.
  • Set time to appropriate grade level.
  • Then call on students to read.




  • Why that particular paragraph went first (sequence of events)


  • Make a word wall with vocabulary words from the reading. 
  • Main points
  • Transition sentences  




Putting it together puzzle activity





  • Then provide a worksheet with questions related to herwork.
  • Describe what you see.
  • How does O’Keeffe use color, shape and value in this work of art.
  • 3.What are three characteristics of O’Keeffe’ art work. 

 Pastel Activity




Practice makes for a better drawing. 

Students are able to focus on their own individual still life as they move it around to observe details and try out various perspectives for that Georgia O'Keeffe monumental look.



Step 2: The teacher and student discuss which of the four drawings will be the best compostion for the selection of the final drawing.


Step 3: The student then either can transfer the image to a transparency and place it on the overhead projector and copy it to the large drawing paper or they can free hand draw it. (at the discretion of the teacher)



Step 4: demonstrate how to blend colors using the pastels.

Step 5: students select colors arbitrarily or follow a color scheme (harmony)


 Rubric for O'Keeffe Drawing



4   to 3.5

3  to 2.5

2 to 1.5

1  to .5

Thumbnail drawing

Completed 4 excellent drawings demonstrating knowledge of abstraction in the style of the artist. Shows much effort

Completed 4 good drawings demonstrating knowledge of abstraction in the style of the artist

Shows some effort

Completed 2-4 drawings  showing little or no desire to understand abstraction in the style of the artist

lacks effort

 Completed 1 drawing


Drawing is expressive and detailed. Student has great control. The drawing represented an abstract perspective of the  foliage

Drawing is expressive and somewhat detailed. The drawing somewhat represents  an abstract perspective of the  foliage

Drawing has few details. Student drew only a few details of an abstract perspective of the  foliage

The drawing lacks almost all detail OR it is unclear what the drawing is intended to be. Student needs to work on control.

Oil Pastel skill


Application of oil pastel is preplanned and done in a logical, sequential manner. Student practiced on thumbnail sketches

Pastel is applied in a careful, logical manner. Colors remain sharp

Control is somewhat lacking little to

Student needs to work on controlling oil pastels

Oil pastel blending values

Blended colors together to create a variety of values and hues that make an interesting


Somewhat  blended colors together to create a variety of values and hues that make an interesting


Slightly blended colors together to create a variety of values and hues that make an interesting


Does not  show blended colors together to create a variety of values and hues that make an interesting


Capturing A Style/Artist

Pastel is applied in a manner very consistent with the technique or artist being studied.

Pastel is applied in a manner that is reasonably consistent with the technique or artist being studied.

An attempt has been made to apply pastel in a manner that is consistent with the technique or artist being studied, but it is not effective.

No attempt has been made to apply pastel in a manner that is consistent with the technique or artist being studied.

Use of materials

Student typically keeps pastel materials and area clean and protected without reminders. The student shows great respect for the materials and his fellow students.

Student typically adequately cleans materials and work area at the end of the session without reminder, but the area may be messy during the work session. Student shows respect for materials and fellow students.

Student adequately cleans and takes care of materials if reminded. Occasional spills and messy work area may be seen. Shows some respect for materials and fellow students.

Student deliberately misuses materials AND/OR does not adequately clean materials or area when reminded. Shows little respect for materials or fellow students.


Student has taken the technique being studied and applied it in a way that is totally his/her own. The student's personality/voice comes through.

Student has taken the technique being studied and has used source material as a starting place. The student's personality comes through in parts of the drawing.

there is little evidence of creativity, but the student has done the assignment.

Student has not made much attempt to meet the requirements of the assignment.


Class time was used wisely. Much time and effort went into the planning and design of the abstract flower.

Student could have put in more time and effort during the class.

Class time was not always used wisely

Assignment was 1 day late

Class time was not used wisely and the student put in no additional effort. Assignment was 2 days late




































































 Final student projects


  Student 1  Oil Pastel


   Student 2 Oil Pastel


 Student 3  Oil Pastel   


   Student 4 Oil pastel

