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English 101 Portfolio


COL 105

     College 105:Freshman Seminar is a course taken by first year college students. This is a course that helps guide freshman students through the difficulties of their first year in college. This course presents new skills and new ways of thinking to students, helping them adjust to the college experience. Throughout the semester you are in given all kinds of different resources, as well as tips to help find certain resources in which will be beneficial to students throughout their entire college experience.  This is also a course that helps students evaluate themselves and the type of person they are personally as well as the type of student they are so that they can see their downfalls and be able to improve them, which in turn will be beneficial for their entire college experience. 

*Out of Class Events*



Diversity Workshop




     This one hour workshop, geared to college students of all ages, is meant to bring students to a realization of the diversity, not only in school, but also in the work place. This workshop helps students recognize different stereotypes that people are faced with and even hurt by. It lets them see the wide differentiation of ethnicity, race, religion, age and lifestyles among the people we interact with day to day. It gives students a better understanding of one another and hopefully they carry away a new found respect for each other when they walk out of the workshop.


     I thoroughly enjoyed the Diversity Workshop. Not only did I learn a lot about myself, but I learned a lot about others as well. The workshop showed me that even though we are all different in many ways, we are very much alike as well. I learned that it’s ok to be “me” and to be proud of who I am.
     When the workshop first started, I will admit that I was a bit uneasy about the expectations of the facilitators. I’m a very shy person to begin with, so having to stand up in front of a whole class and express personal information about myself seemed like it was going to be difficult. But once we got started and I realized that everyone was just as uneasy as I was, I realized that we weren’t so different after all. Sure we all had different backgrounds and different lives and personalities, but we are all people with feelings and emotions which I believe connect us in some way.
     I was able to talk with people that I probably wouldn’t have talked to out of this workshop, and in doing so I was able to get a better understanding of the different people around me. Also, I was able to come up with a better judgment of certain people, not by first appearance, but by who they truly are. I realized that as people we tend to judge others by stereotypes; Most of the time not even giving them a chance to show who they really are, and that is a great downfall that even I have. 
      I will definitely take the experience I gained in this workshop and use it in my everyday life. I will now look at people in a new light and not give up so easy. I realize that I’m as important as each other individual in this world, and the same respect that I want is the respect that I should, and will, be giving to others around me.   



Veterans Memorial



     The Veterans Memorial Service was a recognition of all the veterans that gave thier lives during the Vietnam war. It wasn't a very long service but there was prayer, a presenting of the wreath, as well as a speech from a Veteran that had served in the Vietnam war. It was a very emotional service and something to be remembered.



     Although the service wasn't that long, the meaning behind it was amazing. Listening to that proud veteran speak about the hardships he and his fellow soldiers went through, was just heart wrenching. But i think it was a speech we all need to hear. We need to realize what our soldiers are going through for our freedom. We need to give our country, our soldiers, and their families as much support as we can.

War is real, and something that will never be forgotton. I have a new found appreciation for our soldiers, and even though i dont understand everything that is going on over seas, as long as I am able to give my support, that is all that matters.
