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ASTUDENT Portfolio



An artifact is a work that has been completed and that demonstrates your research or expertise on a particular topic. For example, if I wanted to demonstrate that I had studied debate and understood how a debate works, I could show that in a variety of ways.

  • I could create a power point that shows both sides of an issue.
  • I could create a video of a formal debate on any topic.
  • I could write a speech as though I were involved in a debate for or against an issue.
  • I could outline a debate that I obseved and score it with a rubric.
  • I could research a famous debate and analyze it.
  • I could record my class debating a topic.
  • I could explain how a debate works using a chart.
  • I could record a video of myself explaining how a debate works to younger students.

Then, I would place the "artifact" here. In addition, I would explain how I felt and what I learned from the process of completing the artifact and would include those words either on a separate page (Reflections) or simply add it before or after the artifact.

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