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Thomas William Roden


Digital Revolutions

I am undertaking Introduction to Media: Digital Revolutions, one of the core courses of the Bachelor of Media, at the University of Adelaide. Lectures are provided by Dr Rob Cover and Associate Professor Mary Griffiths and the course tutors are Tina Bettels and Neelu Sharma. Content in this portfolio is based on this course.


The learning objectives, as stated in the course outline booklet, are as follows:


1. Discuss the ways in which digital technologies are implicated in the production, performance, distribution, reception and uses of media.


2. Understand what is at stake in the spread of digital techniques for Australia’s citizens and the nation’s global information and media profile


3. Understand the meaning of a range of terms, concepts and theories related to participatory and digital media and be able to utilise these to describe what is ‘new’ about a range of activities, production methods, texts


4. Be aware of arguments about the positive/negative impacts of increased user interactivity and digitallysponsored forms of collective intelligence on social media practices, media businesses, the practice of democratic politics, and on new forms of art and information content


5. Possess the basic tools for describing, analysing and theorising new media texts and practices


6. Develop and/or have creatively used skills in various digital media forms, platforms and environments


7. Have developed research, written and oral communication skills appropriate to the discipline and to interdisciplinary university study


8. Develop a professional portfolio which can be taken on, as a resource, to further study
