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Diemk81's Website

Hello Visitors

           Welcome to my dental hygiene site.  I’m Diem-Thay Kieu and I would like to share with you a little bit about myself. I'm finishing my first year program in dental hygiene school at Moreno Valley Campus including: Oral radiograph, Prophylaxis, Anesthesia, and patient education regarding preventive dental treatment for patients.  The reason that I chose this profession is to help people to maintain their teeth and their good oral health . I experience that when people start to lose teeth, their taste will be altered and they will lose appetize. I also would like to gain as much as knowledge as I can and apply the knowledge that I have earned to serve people after I graduate. I also want to be a responsible clinician and an excellent clinician to show my appreciation toward my instructors and to maintain societal trust and other ethical values.

         You will find out more about me on the side menu on the left side under professionalism, patient care, and community. The picture below is me, so you can recognize me in my class.




Class of 2009 is always happy to be in dental hygiene program in Riveside Community College; Moreno Valley Campus.

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