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Nicole Lalonde's Professional Portfolio                    

- Learning Teams

    Professional Learning Communities are an important part of ongoing improvement and change in education.  Below, I have proposed the creation of a learning team for the school where I am currently employed.  I would seek to take on leadership role in the creation and implementation of this team.
Learning Teams
Creating Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at each divisional level next year is a goal for our administrators. Many of the teachers at our school have been a part of intensive professional development with a focus on literacy through the Turn Around Project (primary), school board workshops (junior), and/or A.Q courses over the last 3 years.  I feel that it would be beneficial to all teachers in the building to engage in Reflective Practice during our PLC meetings in the hopes of moving towards a deeper understanding and implementation of the components of a Balanced Literacy program.   
  • To share ideas and suggestions for implementing components of Balanced Literacy in the classroom
  • To allow teachers the opportunity to reflect on and discuss strategies that work or that are creating difficulties
  • To allow teachers the opportunity to develop changes in their approach to implementing strategies used in teaching literacy
            Implementation for using this strategy would coincide with the implementation of PLCs in the school.  During the first meeting teachers would be introduced to this strategy and given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the benefits.  Teachers will be asked to keep a journal and to record successes and difficulties in their journal in order to discuss these with their respective groups.  After the initial PLC meeting, time would be scheduled in each successive meeting agendas to allow time for reflective practice. 