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Nicole Lalonde's Professional Portfolio                    

- School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Planning
Goal(1): Improvement in student achievement by means of school and classroom organization
Performance Target: By the of year 3, 60% of students will be achieve one level higher on reading assessments (i.e. Level 1 will become level 2) 
School and classroom organization                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
1.1 uninterrupted teaching time
1.2  designated space for work and resources
1.3  student/ teacher made resources will be used in lieu of commercially produced resources.
1.4   Common planning time for grade like teachers in the Junior Division
1.1.1         School timetable will include 120 minutes of uninterrupted Literacy Block of time for the Junior Division
1.1.2         Junior Division classrooms will not be disrupted during Literacy Block by school PA announcements, prep-time delivery, money collections, and snacks.
1.2.1          Junior Division teachers will have a defined and designated space for whole group literacy instruction with literacy stand as a prop to support components of Read-a-Louds, shared reading and to facilitate student and teacher dialog.
1.2.2          Junior Division Teachers will have designated areas for books and supplies that are easily identified and accessible to students
1.3.1          Junior Division teachers will display students' work predominantly in the classrooms and hallways. 
1.3.2          Junior Division teachers will display student and teacher generated anchors and charts for both student and teacher reference
1.3.3          Students and teachers will collaborate to create examples of all four levels of work to display in the classrooms.
1.4.1          School organization and scheduling will reflect a maximum time for like grade Junior Division teachers to have prep-time coverage at the same time in order to meet, plan, dialog and reflect on instructional practice and "Balanced Literacy" components and strategies.
Indicators of Success
1.1.1          Junior Division provided with a sustained uninterrupted Literacy Block
1.1.2          Data is taken as to when disruptions occur and is discussed in PLC to continue to minimize Literacy Block time disruptions
1.2.1          Teachers will have a defined and designate space for group literacy instruction.
1.2.2          Areas for books and supplies will be clearly identified and accessible to all junior students in their classrooms.
1.3.1          Students' work is displayed in the classrooms and hallways. 
1.3.2          Minimal amount of commercially produced work is displayed, and only when it cannot be created by teachers or students. (i.e. School/board code of conduct, emergency exit routes)
1.3.3          Examples of work at all four levels are displayed in the classroom.
1.4.1          School organization and scheduling allows for maximum time for grade like teachers in the Junior Division.
Time Lines
1.1.1           Completed for the beginning of the 2008-2009 school year.
1.1.2           Immediately, Year 1, Term 1, ongoing
1.2.1           Year 1, Term 1, ongoing
1.2.2           Year 1, Terms 1, 2, and 3
1.3.1           Year 1, 2 and 3 Terms 1, 2, and 3. Ongoing
1.3.2           Year 1, 2 and 3 Terms 1, 2, and 3. Ongoing
1.3.3           Year 1, 2 and 3 Terms 1, 2, and 3. Ongoing
1.4.1            Year 1, 2, and 3
1.1.1          Timetabling committee (2 teacher reps., 1 ETFO rep, administrators 
1.1.2          All school staff members, and volunteers 
1.2.1          Junior Division teachers and administrators.
1.2.2          Junior Division teachers and administrators.
1.3.1          Junior Division teachers
1.3.2          Junior Division teachers
1.3.3          Junior Division teachers
1.4.1          Administration and all teachers involved in timetabling
Status Update
1.1.1       Updates will take place every 2 weeks until the timetable is finalized.
1.1.2       Updates are given at PLC meetings once a month.
1.2.1       Updates will be given at the natural breaks in the school year (Dec., Mar., and June)
1.2.2       Updates will be given at the natural breaks in the school year (Dec., Mar., and June
1.3.1       Updates are given at PLC meetings once a month.
1.3.2       Updates are given at PLC meetings once a month.
1.3.3       Updates are given at PLC meetings once a month.
1.4.1       Status update should be given to the Junior Division prior to the first day of school.
1.1.1         Revisions may be made in the first 2 weeks of school where necessary.
1.1.2         When necessary
1.2.1         When necessary
1.2.2         When necessary
1.3.1         If necessary.
1.3.2         If necessary
1.3.3         When necessary

1.4.1         Revisions may be made for the first 2 weeks of school     

Goal (2): Improvement in student achievement by means of teacher collaboration and capacity building through professional development.
Performance Target: By the of year 3, 60% of students will be achieve one level higher on reading assessments (i.e. Level 1 will become level 2)
Professional Development    
2.1        Dialog, share and clarify instructional strategies. (Reflective Practice)
2.2.       Implementation of all components of Balanced Literacy in classrooms.
2.3        Teachers attending Professional literacy conferences
2.1.1       Professional Learning Community (PLC) will meet once a month and include all members of the Junior Division, SERTs responsible for Junior grades, Literacy coach and administration for reflective practice.
2.1.2        Review and move to a deeper understanding of Balanced Literacy components: Read-a-Louds, Shared Reading, Guided Reading and Independent Reading.
2.1.3        Dialog and share classroom success and difficulties in Balanced Literacy as agenda item in monthly PLC meetings.
2.2.1        All components of Balanced Literacy embedded in classroom organization and schedules.
2.2.2        Grade like team planning that incorporates Balanced Literacy schedules and implementation
2.2.3        Balanced Literacy instructional strategies will be embedded in cross curricular delivery of programs.
2.3.1        Two Junior Division teachers will attend Reading for the Love of It conference and report back to the PLC.
2.3.2        Teachers will attend various board workshops with the focus on literacy.
Indicators of Success
2.1.1      PLC (including all participants indicated) meets once a month.
2.1.2      * Dialog/clarifications/sharing of instructional strategies occurs during PLC meetings.                
             *Junior Division teachers are using instructional strategies in their practice.
2.1.3      Teachers practicing and furthering their use of the components of Balanced Literacy in their classrooms.
2.2.1      All components of Balanced Literacy are in Junior Division teachers? long range, monthly and day plans.
2.2.2      Grade like teams teachers joint planning specific lessons for Balanced Literacy components and grade team implementation.
2.2.3      Balanced Literacy instructional strategies visible in other curriculum and cross curriculum areas
2.3.1      Two teachers attend conference and share lessons and information learned with PLC and place conference notes taken in PLC binder.
2.3.2      Teachers that attend workshops and will share lessons and information learned with PLC and place workshop notes taken in PLC binder.
Time Lines
2.1.1         Year 1, 2, and 3 Terms 1, 2, and 3
2.1.2         Year 1, 2, and 3 Terms 1, 2, and 3
2.1.3         Year 1, 2, and 3 Terms 1, 2, and 3
2.2.1         Year 1, 2, and 3        Terms 1, 2, and 3
2.2.2         Year 1, 2, and 3  Terms 1, 2, and 3
2.2.3         Year 1, 2, and 3         Terms 1, 2, and 3
2.3.1         February 14th and 15th, 2008
2.3.2         Ongoing as workshop dates are posted.
2.1.1         Junior teachers, Literacy coach, SERTs, and administration
2.1.2          Junior teachers, Literacy coach, SERTs, and administration
2.1.3          Junior teachers, Literacy coach, SERTs, and administration
2.2.1          Junior teachers, administration
2.2.2          Junior teachers, administrators
2.2.3          Junior teachers and administrators
2.3.1          Teachers attending conference and administrators
2.3.2          Junior Division Teachers and administrators
Status Update
2.1.1          Updates should be given at each meeting when the next meeting is scheduled.
2.1.2          Updates will be given at the natural breaks in the school year (Dec., Mar., and June)
2.1.3          Updates will be given at the natural breaks in the school year (Dec., Mar., and June)
2.2.1          Updates will be given at PLC meetings
2.2.2          Updates will be given at the natural breaks in the school year (Dec., Mar., and June)
2.2.3          Updates will be given at the natural breaks in the school year (Dec., Mar., and June)
2.3.1          Update will be given at PLC meeting following the conference.
2.3.2          Update will be given at PLC meeting following the workshop.
2.1.1          If necessary
2.1.2          If necessary
2.1.3          If necessary
2.2.1          If necessary
2.2.2          If necessary
2.2.3          If necessary
2.3.1          If necessary
2.3.2          If necessary
Goal (3): Improvement in student achievement by means of strengthening home/school/community partnerships
Performance Target: By the end of year 3, 60% of students will be achieving one level higher on reading assessments (i.e. Level 1 will become level 2). 65% of parents will participate in reading programs/workshops/presentations
Home/school community partnerships
3.1             Develop a home reading program
3.2             Continue with established community partnerships
3.3             Establish workshops and literacy celebrations for parents and members of the community to attend.
3.4             Establish an Oral Language Festival to promote oral language skills and to provide students an authentic purpose for preparing and performing oral presentations.
3.1.1          Develop a consistent home reading program for all Junior Division classes.
3.1.2          Purchase more leveled books for the home reading program.
3.1.3          Establish rewards/recognition (assemblies) for achievement in and dedication to the home reading program.  
                  *parents and community partners will be informed when recognition assemblies will occur so that  they may attend
3.2.1          Continue community partnership established with the Boys and Girls club.
3.2.2          Continue visits to the community library.
3.3.1           Plan a school-wide Literacy night with a portion of the evening devoted to the Junior Division.  Invite storyteller/author/signer/songwriter Heather Whaley for presentation to the primary students in the Junior Division and during Literacy Night the same evening.
3.3.2           Host after school workshops for parents (nights and times should vary in order to reach the highest number of parents possible) on a variety of topics.
3.4.1           Schedule an evening for students to share oral presentations that promote the development of correct oral language structures and celebrate the impact of the spoken word.  Invite parents, teachers from other divisions, administrators and community partners to attend.
3.4.2           Grade like teachers design a target for student achievement and build a rubric collaboratively to assess oral language presentations.
Indicators of Success
3.1.1           All Junior Division teachers implement a consistent reading program.  Parents report that they are pleased with the home reading program.
3.1.2           Classrooms have more leveled books for the home reading program.  Increasing student reading levels by monitoring book levels taken home.
3.1.3           Students are recognized for number of books read or increase in reading levels through rewards or recognition
3.2.1           Community partnership with the Boys and Girls club continues
3.2.2           Visits to the community library continue.
3.3.1           Students, parents and community partners have the opportunity to experience a live storytelling presentation
3.3.2            Workshops occur on different nights and times, with a varying turnout of parents. Parents report that they are pleased with workshops
3.4.1            Evening is scheduled. Parents and community partners attend evening. Attendance is comparable to spring concert of previous years. Student achievement in Oral Language skills improve as students become  
3.4.2           Targets (exemplars) and rubrics are designed and inserted into Assessment policy binder in book room. Teachers use rubrics to assess students' oral language presentations
Time Lines
3.1.1           Have program prepared prior to year 1 term 1.  Ongoing.
3.1.2           Year 1, Terms 1, 2, and 3
3.1.3           Years 1, 2, 3 Terms 1, 2, and 3. Ongoing.
3.2.1           Ongoing
3.2.2           Ongoing
3.3.1           Years 1, 2 and 3 Literacy night will occur in February (date to be determined at 2nd PLC meeting of the year)
3.3.2           Year 1 Terms 2 and 3 Years 2, and 3  Terms 1, 2, and 3
3.4.1           Years 1, 2, and 3    Term 3
3.4.2           Rubrics will be completed by the beginning of Year 1, Term 2 and the use will be ongoing.
3.1.1           Junior Division teachers, administrators, parents
3.1.2           Junior Division teachers, administration, Literacy Coach, librarian
3.1.3            Junior Division teachers, administration
3.2.1            Administration, school team, Boys and Girls Club administrators
3.2.2            Junior Division teachers, administration
3.3.1            Junior Division teachers, administration, Literacy Coach, librarian
3.3.2            Junior Division teachers, administration, Literacy Coach, librarian
3.4.1            Junior Division teachers, administration, Literacy Coach, librarian Support staff
3.4.2            Junior Division teachers, administration, and Literacy Coach
Status Update
3.1.1            For Years 1, 2 and 3, term 1 updates will be given on a monthly basis at PLC meetings and then in  Mar. and June.
3.1.2            Updates will be given at the natural breaks in the school year (Dec., Mar., and June)
3.1.3            Updates will be given monthly at PLC meetings and recognition assemblies.
3.2.1            Updates will be given at the natural breaks in the school year (Dec., Mar., and June)
3.2.2            Updates will be given at the natural breaks in the school year (Dec., Mar., and June)
3.3.1            Updates will be given at monthly PLC meetings
3.3.2            Updates will be given monthly at PLC meetings
3.4.1            Updates will be given at monthly PLC meetings beginning in term 2 of each year.
3.4.2            Updates will be given at monthly PLC meetings for Term 1 and subsequently at the natural breaks in the school year (Dec., Mar., and June).
3.1.1            When necessary
3.1.2            When necessary
3.1.3            When necessary
3.2.1            If necessary
3.2.2            If necessary
3.3.1.           When necessary
3.3.2            When necessary
3.4.1            If necessary
3.4.2            If necessary

