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Daniel's English 1A Honors ePortfolio

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Fall Quarter

Elementary Statistics - A

Math 1A - A

History 4A - A


Winter Quarter

English 1A Honors

History 4C Honors Seminar

Math 1B


Spring Quarter


I will certainly take English 1B Honors


    In my other subjects, particularly my history seminar, my knowledge from English 1A was crucial. Even basic things like proper MLA format saved me a ton of possible lost points. This in conjunction with other techniques that I learned in English such as how to write a strong introduction, bridges between paragraphs, and thesis tie-ins all made my instructor like me more and raised my scores probably by a full letter grade each assignment. Even in mathematics, write-ups are required for certain labs and if you write correctly and without errors, you will undoubtedly leave a better impression upon the instructor.
