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SLO 101


Goal:  Goals are general statements about what you hope students will gain from your course such as, "Students will gain an understanding of ...." or "Students will develop an appreciation of..."

Source: Syllabus Tutorial, Center for Teaching and Learning, Univ. of Minnesota 

Learning Outcome:  see Student Learning Outcome.

Objective:  Objectives are more specific statements [than goals] which include both an action verb and a content reference. They may also include a standard of performance ("with 80% accuracy") or a statement of condition ("with a calculator"). Examples of objectives include statements such as, "Students will be able to distinguish between ... with respect to ...." or "Students will be able to list, in consecutive order, ...."

Source: Syllabus Tutorial, Center for Teaching and Learning, Univ. of Minnesota 

Outcome:  see Student Learning Outcome.


Student Learning Outcome (SLO):

