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iRubric: French dialogue - Meeting Someone New rubric

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French dialogue - Meeting Someone New 
-use interest, sport vocab. and general questions to meet someone new and learn a bit about them
Rubric Code: X9BAW6
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Public Rubric
Subject: Foreign Languages  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric French Culture Oral Presentation
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O non! Il faut beaucoup plus d'effort.

5 pts

Level 2

Comme ci, comme ça!

6 pts

Level 3


7 pts

Level 4

Bravo - très bien!

10 pts

Pronunciation - Communication
0 pts


Difficulty pronouncing almost all words. Hard to hear - immature, giggling, English used.
Level 2

Student's voice is low and student incorrectly pronounces several terms.
Level 3

Student's voice is clear with most words pronounced correctly.
Level 4

Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms.
vocabulary - Application
0 pts


Off-track. Almost none of the expressions used. Did not refer to example to see how expressions and verbs could be used.
Level 2

Student has many mistakes and indicates that although they have some idea of how to use unit vocabulary, expressions and verbs.
Only half of required words/verbs/expressions used.
Level 3

Student has used at least ten words or expressions covered in review and current unit (including verbs). They are mostly used correctly and in context with one or two mistakes, or awkward (illogical) uses.
Level 4

Student has used a minimum of 12 words or expressions (including verbs) that we have learned or reviewed since the beginning. They are appropriately used, descriptive and grammatically correct. They must be used in a logical manner and without mistakes.
language structures - Applications
0 pts


Almost impossible to follow due to large number of mistakes. Students must really review verbs, vocab. lists.
Level 2

Student has many mistakes but indicates some understanding of how language structures work.
Level 3

Student has mostly used correct verb forms. There are 2-3 problems with sentence/language structure.
Level 4

Student has correctly used verbs, subjects and other language structures. Sentences are detailed and creative. Excellent work!!
Ability - Thinking/Inquiry
1 pts


Almost nothing completed on own. In constant need of teacher to either help with language or ability to stay on task. Notes...what notes...we have reference notes????
Level 2

Student required frequent help, explanations and reminders to stay on task. Many distractions. Students did not make much effort to refer to notes.
Level 3

Students required some small suggestions or explanations, but mainly used their own resources and Word Reference. No Google translator was used. most time was used widely with only small distractions.
Level 4

Students used resources effectively and were able to produce a grade-level (or beyond) dialogue with next to no help from the teacher. Students were extermemly resourceful and used their time wisely.

  • French Culture Project

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