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iRubric: Recycled jewellery rubric

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Recycled jewellery 
Students will create a minimum of three pieces of jewellery using recycled materials such as aluminium cans, paper, rubber, fabrics, plastic etc. Students need to be creative in their design, while building recycled pieces of jewellery that show their understanding of the practical needs of constructing successful pieces of wearable jewellery.
Rubric Code: V5A2W9
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12

Powered by iRubric Recycled Jewellery
  Level 1

0 pts

Level 2

1 pts

Level 3

2 pts

Level 4

3 pts

Level 5

4 pts

Skill; manipulation of materials
5 pts

The jewellery was well though out and skillfully assembled.
~The jewellery is finished.

Level 1

*The student did not create any jewellery at all
*The student did not ask for help
*There are no pieces of jewellery assembled
Level 2

*The student did not try to create their own.
*The student did not ask for help.
*The jewellery is poorly constructed and falling to peices or not completed at all.
Level 3

*The student attempted to create the jewellery but gave up as soon as it challenged them.
*The student seldomly asked for help.
* The jewellery is holding together but looks very fragile, as though it will fall to pieces if worn.
Level 4

*The construction method was successful in holding the jewellery together.
*The student asked for help when finding something difficult, but kept trying.
*The jewellery is wearable.
Level 5

*The jewellery was constructed really well.
*The finish of the jewellery is superior .
*The student asked for help and responded well to suggestions.
Design Choice
5 pts

Three pieces of recycled jewellery

Level 1

*The student used manufatured pieces of jewellery with little change.
Level 2

*The student chose the most basic materials with little or no use of recycled materials. No effort was put into their jewellery making.
Level 3

*The student chose more materials of which some were recycled.
The design was completed but poorly constructed with minimal effort
Level 4

*The student Chose the more difficult pieces of jewellery,it was well executed with good use of recycled materials and craftsmanship
Level 5

*The student chose a more advanced design (The Articulated Mobile) and put excellent effort and skill into achieving it.
Creativity/ Originality
5 pts

used imagination and unusual materials

Level 1

*No original thought
Level 2

*The piece shows little or no evidence of original thought.
Level 3

*The piece shows some evidence of original thought.
Level 4

*The piece shows more originality.
Level 5

*The student's work demonstrates a high degree of originality.
5 pts

~Craftsmanship of Jewellery.

Level 1

*No recycled materials.
Level 2

*paid no attention to the use recycled material use matter and the craftsmanship.
*Barely completed 1 piece.
Level 3

*Jewellery pieces were barely considered and craftsmanship was not a priority.
*Number of pieces 2 or less.
Level 4

*The jewellery showed evidence of attention to detail in the pieces and the craftsmanship.
*Number of pieces is 3 with greater attention to finish but more care required.
Level 5

*The jewellery pieces are well constructed and have excellent craftsmanship.
*Number of pieces is 3 or more with great attention to finish.
5 pts

~Helpful to your class and listening to instruction.

Level 1

*Student rarely completes set work
Level 2

*Student does not show a willingness to complete assigned tasks and help set up and clean up projects.
*Does not work well with others.
*The student is often not in their seat when the bell rings and/ or rushes to finish.
Level 3

*The student is sometimes willing to complete assigned tasks and help set up and clean up projects.
*Sometimes works well with others.
*Student is sometimes out of their seat when the bell rings.
*Uses minimum amount of time.
Level 4

*The student is usually willing to complete assigned tasks and help set up and clean up projects.
*Students will work with others.
*Student is in seat when class starts and uses studio time appropriately.
Level 5

*The student is always willing to complete assigned tasks and help set up and clean up projects.
*The student works well with others.
*Student is in their seat when the bell rings and utilizes the studio time and clean up time.

  • Recycled, wearable, jewellery, construction

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