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iRubric: Health Board Game rubric

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Health Board Game 
Students will create a board game about a health topic covered during the semester.
Rubric Code: HXA8BXX
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Public Rubric
Subject: Health  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Health Board Game
  4 points


3 points


2 points


1 points


Design of draft board game

4 points

Outline of game (rough copy) handed in on time) & requires no revisions.
3 points

Outline of game (rough copy) handed in on time and requires 1-3 revisions.
2 points

Outline of game (rough copy) handed in on time requires 4 or more revisions.
1 points

Outline is late or not present.
Number of ?'s required

4 points

Game includes more than 20 questions.
Questions are neatly written with answers.
3 points

Game has 15-20 questions.
Questions are neatly written with answers.
2 points

Game has 10-15 questions.
Questions may or may not be written neatly.
1 points

Game has less than 10 questions. Questions and answers are difficult to read.
Game Questions Content

4 points

Game questions demonstrate that all questions require higher level thinking.
3 points

Game questions demonstrate that at least 3/4 of the questions require higher level thinking.
2 points

Game questions demonstrate that at least 1/2 of the questions require higher level thinking.
1 points

Game questions demonstrate that none of the questions require higher level thinking.
Game pieces

4 points

Game includes all of the necessary pieces to play the game.
3 points

Game is missing one of necessary pieces to play the game.
2 points

Game is missing two of the necessary pieces to play the game
1 points

Game is missing three or more of the necessary pieces to play the game.
Rules sheet

4 points

Rules sheet is written or typed extremely neat and makes the game very easy to understand. Players do not have to ask questions on how to play the game.
3 points

Rules sheet is written or typed neatly and makes the game somewhat easy to understand. Players have to ask a couple questions on how to play the game.
2 points

Rules sheet is written or typed and understanding the game is somewhat difficult. Player has to ask several questions to understand how to play.
1 points

Rules sheet is hard to read or there is no rules sheet. The game is very difficult to understand and players have to ask many clarifying questions.

4 points

Unique idea, design and game play is present. Game is colorful, and neat.
3 points

Lacking in one area. Unique idea, design and game play is present. Game is colorful, and neat.
2 points

Lacking in multiple areas. Unique idea, design and game play is present. Game is colorful, and neat.
1 points

Lacking in all areas. Unique idea, design and game play is present. Game is colorful, and neat.
Final Game Board

4 points

Design is a clear representation of the content, easy to play and rules are well written.
3 points

Design is partly representative of the content, it may be a little confusing to play and rules are limited.
2 points

Design is somewhat representative of the content, the game is difficult to play and rules are poorly written.
1 points

Design is poor, with little or no relevance to topic. No rules or instructions evident.

  • Game, board game

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