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iRubric: Edgar Allan Poe Glogster rubric

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Edgar Allan Poe Glogster 
The name Poe brings to mind images of murderers and madmen, premature burials, and mysterious women who return from the dead. His works have been in print since 1827 and include such literary classics as “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Raven,” and “The Fall of the House of Usher.” This versatile writer’s oeuvre includes short stories, poetry, a novel, a textbook, a book of scientific theory, and hundreds of essays and book reviews. He is widely acknowledged as the inventor of the modern detective story and an innovator in the science fiction genre, but he made his living as America’s first great literary critic and theoretician. Poe’s reputation today rests primarily on his tales of terror as well as on his haunting lyric poetry.
Rubric Code: B89584
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Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Glogster

4 pts


3 pts


2 pts

Needs Improvement

1 pts



Graphics are related to the theme/purpose
of the Glog. Enhance reader interest or understanding. Must have at least six (6) graphics that represent the mood, tone, symbolism of Poe's works.

Graphics are related to the theme/purpose
of the Glog, are
of good quality and enhance
reader interest or
understanding. Has five (5) graphics that represent the mood, tone, symbolism of Poe's works.

Graphics are related to the theme/purpose
of the Glog, and are of good quality. Has four (4) graphics that represent the mood, tone, symbolism of Poe's works.
Needs Improvement

Graphics seem
randomly chosen, are of low quality, OR
distract the reader. Has three or less (>3) graphics that represent the mood, tone, symbolism of Poe's works.


Glogster includes relevant and interesting details about Edgar Allan Poe and his life. The Glog has at least 10 facts about Poe and events during his life.

The Glog good information about Poe, but may have one or two elements that do not seem to be related to it. The Glog has at least 8 facts about Edgar Allan Poe and events during his life.

The Glog some information about Poe, but either missing info or info is not relevant.
The Glog has at least 6 facts about Edgar Allan Poe and events during his life.
Needs Improvement

The Glog lacks information about Poe or info is not relevant.
The Glog has at least 4 facts about Edgar Allan Poe and events during his life.


Colors of background, fonts, graphics and music are all appropriate and interesting. Related to the topic. Few grammatical errors (<3).

Colors of background, fonts, graphics and music are appropriate and interesting. Related to the topic. Some grammatical errors (<4).

Colors of background, fonts, graphics and music are somewhat appropriate and interesting. May not be related to the topic. Many grammatical errors (<5).
Needs Improvement

Colors of background, fonts, graphics and music are not appropriate or interesting. Do no relate to the topic. Great amount of grammatical errors (<6).

  • Glog, Web2.0, poster, multimedia


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